The Simpsons might be getting the axe


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No, it has nothing to do with ratings.

Executives have insisted that if the cast doesn’t accept a 45 percent pay cut, The Simpsons will die as a first-run series.

Currently the voice actors make $8 MILLION a year! With approximately half a million for each episode. Once you include the process that goes into making a Simpsons episode and all of the animators, writers, directors and editors, each episode costs FOX over $5 million. So the show is incredibly expensive to make and the studio says costs need to be cut.

On the other hand, FOX makes BILLIONS a year in Simpsons merchandise alone, as well as millions of dollars in its syndication around the world. Fox will also continue to make Billions off of The Simpsons long after the show is off the air with it's second syndication of reruns and continued merchandising.

if the cast doesn't accept this pay decrease, then this season (their 23rd) will be the last season of The Simpsons.

So what's your take on this?

In before the Simpsons haters gotta hate
So instead of them making 8mil they'll be making 4.4mil a year. They must be devastated! There's probably an episode about this... They should just do what they did in the episode.
8 Mil a year is a lot of money! However, (correct me if I'm wrong) didn't the cast of Friends eventually start making $1 Million per episode? It's not uncommon for celebrities to make so much money because the studio they work for brings in enough money to end World Hunger.

Although I'd still say the studio is in the wrong here. They're just a bunch of greedy scumbags. Think about it, if they can continue making billions long after the show is off the air, then why would they continue to pay $48 million a year to the 6 voice actors and keep the show running? So they cut their salaries and make more money, or they cancel the show and make WAY more money...

Well, when The Simpsons goes off the air I'm sure Family Guy will replace it. And then Seth MacFarlane will come up with a FOURTH awful show that sucks even worse than Cleveland Show and American Dad. And "animation domination" Sunday Nights on FOX will be called "2 hours of random stupidity for ADD kids".

But I'll be watching Futurama on Comedy anyway :)
Well, I suppose all good things have to come to an end at some point. Although it will be sad to know it'll cease for good.

Maybe it's least go out with a 2nd movie though - COME ON!
Yeah it would be sad to see it go. Sure the show is nowhere near as good as it used to be but The Simpsons have been with me my whole life. My parents would watch the Tracy Ulman Show and little baby WickedLiquid would laugh at the animated shorts in 87-88. Then I would go on to watch the show all through my childhood and teenage years into my 20's.

I don't watch the show on a regular basis nowadays but it's nice to know there's always a new episode coming up. The entire series in the last 13 (or whatever) years have not been horrendous. There have still been some great episodes here and there (but some of them have been pretty awful).

The day I have kids are the days I'll start buying The Simpsons DVDs for them to watch. And they too will learn Mr. Plow, that's his name, that name again is Mr. Plow. :)
i'm sure they'll come to an agreement. if it's not about ratings why a sudden desire to lower the pay of the writers? that's what doesn't make sense to me.

the writers would have to be retarded to not take whatever they're offered though. and FOX would have to be retarded to drop the show if the writers didn't. it will either end stupidly and unhappily because both sides were too stubborn and wouldn't cave, or more likely an agreement will be met.
I'm a huge HUGE Simpsons fan but I think I'd be okay with the show ending, sadly.
I think it is time to just let it go. The longevity of the show is impressive and amazing, but perhaps it's time to let it end for good, and celebrate what we had.
The actors are willing to take a pay cut of roughly a third, but that’s not good enough for Fox. Their number remains 45%

How sweet was the John K. couch gag?

the residuals will last lifetimes, but there's no animation domination without the simpsons. tough call.

Fox is still looking for a Married with Children replacement for Sunday nights, no offense to Seth McFarlane. American Dad is awesome. Fox is horrible at building new star shows. People who say simpsons should have been cancelled years ago are blind to all of the failed sitcoms that came and went on Fox tv throughout those same years. Fox needed the simpsons.
But lately, Fox doesn't need the Simpsons as much? Seems like a huge gamble.
again, i'm reminded of the Married with Children time slot.

Fox had Futurama and cancelled it. Fox had King of the Hill and cancelled it. lol
FOX also cancelled Bob's Burgers which was stupid. That show had a lot of potential and was much better than American Dad or The Cleveland Show.

And yes, the couch gag was pretty awesome. It made me watch some Ren and Stimpy later that night. Man, that show was twisted.

intoTheRain said:
i'm sure they'll come to an agreement.

I think so. But after Conan walked away from The Tonight Show, anything is possible.
The last couple seasons of Simpsons haven't been bad. The show is no longer as insightful as it once was, but it continues to be funny. I hope it stays on because what else am I going to watch on Sunday?
i agree with bretimus. everyone says it's not nearly as funny as it used to be..

i get a lot of good laughs and enjoyment out of new episode i catch here and there.

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