The People Speak Week 6: NGP Pipe Dreams

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We've seen the trailers, on-stage-hands-on, and heard about a lot of publishers who seems psyched by the NGP. But what about you?
Here's a list of questions to bounce off of. Feel free to get into arguments too.

-How much will the NGP cost? How much do you want it to (realistically) cost?
-What game will be the killer app?
-All that 3G stuff? What's up with that?
-PlayStation Suite sound cool? Android users excited?

This week's TPS is all about the NGP. Have at it!
I've never really seen the appeal of handheld platforms. I don't travel enough to justify getting one, and if I really want to play something, all I have to do is turn on my laptop.
I'm not really stoked about the NGP/PSP2. From what I can tell, they're going for the same strategy that they did for the first PSP that, while it carried the system successfully enough to stay relevant, never did overtake the DS.

That strategy is basically taking console thinking and applying it to a handheld. They're beefing the system up as powerfully as they can and marketing on it. That's what they did with the original PSP line. Yes, the PSP is a successful system but again, it didn't work as well as Nintendo's strategy did with the DS.

Going by this, Nintendo is flowing along with their strategy, Sony is going with their own. Nintendo is upgrading the system, yes, but still focusing on games. The NGP is trying again to sell on power. If the last generation of handhelds is to be taken into consideration, the 3DS is likely going to pull ahead again, and that means more developer support, meaning less games for the NGP that will hold my interest. Just like the DS vs. PSP.

That's how I see it, anyway.
Firstly, the cost. Yes, this will be an expensive piece of hardware. I expect it to be priced at $300, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they were generous enough to sell it for $250. I'm being optimistic, I know. There is a lot of technology in this little handheld, but the market of apps and games available for it will most definitely encourage Sony to make it a possibility for a lot of people.

Next, games. I don't know what new, crazy thing will be all the rage when this is released, but I can tell you I'm hoping to see LocoRoco and Patapon make their return. And with Sixaxis being a component, and the addition of dual analog sticks, I have high expectancy that the game library for the NGP will just explode before long.

3G goes hand-in-hand with the PS Suite feature. People will want to be able to connect to the internet wherever they go, instead of having to sit in designated Wi-Fi areas. Not to mention how easy it will be to play online multiplayer. What Sony has done here is given new breath the the handheld platform. The whole idea behind it is to be able to take a game with you while you're on the go, and with 3G connection accompanying you, there's so much more you can do.

Let's look at the big picture inside this little package, people. It's built like a controller, except that controller has a screen, 3G connection, HD graphics, touch sensors, and access to the Android library of apps. This could become many people's center of attention.

The world of your pocket. Thank you.
danielrbischoff said:
We've seen the trailers...
I haven't.

danielrbischoff said:
I haven't

danielrbischoff said:
...and heard about a lot of publishers who seems psyched by the NGP.
I haven't.

danielrbischoff said:
But what about you?
All I see is another handheld. I've never been overly interested in 'em.

I've considered getting an original PSP for Ace Combat X, but other than that I don't overly care.

I'm not even sure I know what NGP stands for. New Gaming Peripherial? Non-Giant Playstation? Neon Green Phone?
And here I am, aiming to buy the soon-to-be last generation PSP.
But I bet Atlus will re-release Persona 4.
And to be honest, I know absolutely squat about it, apart from it being a next-gen thing and it having two control sticks. Or "Dual Analog Sticks".

Perhaps NGP would be a code like Revolution was for the Wii?
I own both a current generation PSP and DS. I'm probably going to end up owning a 3DS and an NGP, though not as soon as they come out.

The thing I find about the PSP, is that while more powerful than the DS, the games are more or less console games that have been scaled down for the PSP. Almost any game I played on the PSP I could have seen on the console, and in some cases would have been better on a console. It seems to me that Sony is continuing this philosophy, as evidenced by their stating "As powerful as a PS3." Personally, I don't find that works all that well. I honestly don't take my DS or PSP with me wherever I go, but when I do take one, it's the DS. Because the PSP has games that are practically full console games, they aren't as good for 2 minutes here, 6 minutes here.

In short, I'm not really in the least excited about it. I'll buy one when a game I can't live without releases for it, or not at all. There weren't any games on the current PSP that I felt I couldn't have missed, so I kind of doubt NGP will be much different.
I really feel this system will fail for the same reasons the PSP failed. The 3G network seems to be the major focus right now for Sony, and the games being made for the system seem more like an afterthought over killer app titles and exclusives for the system. Hell, most of the guys developing stuff for the NGP are the likes of Popcap; flash based games that will be apps over actual titles we would be accustomed to.

Sony is competing with Apple, not Nintendo here. People are more concerned with the bells and whistles and gadgets that the system is going to have over the games and how they play in most of the press releases I have seen. You get a game like God of War or Uncharted on there; great! It will be killer app for the hardcore crowd. But they system is going to fail because its entering a flooded market that is, by nature of it's design, not going to get them a major profit share. It's a stupid move by Sony and a really arrogant move that they think a system and phone both made by them can have similar capabilities, yet release both around the same time.
LinksOcarina said:
Sony is competing with Apple, not Nintendo here. [...] It's a stupid move by Sony and a really arrogant move that they think a system and phone both made by them can have similar capabilities, yet release both around the same time.

This is something I really don't get. When they announced the Playstation Phone, I really really hoped that they meant the PSP2 was also going to have phone capabilities. There is only one device I never leave the house without, my cellphone. I suspect many people are like that. I would have loved for my phone to also by a full blown PSP. Even if it was a little bit bigger than my current phone, if it fit in my pocket, I'd have bought it with me everywhere. If I was bringing it everywhere, wouldn't it follow I'd be way more likely to buy games for it?

But this the Xepiera (sp?) Play isn't like that at all. It's just a phone, that you can play some downloadable PS1 games on... not the new games that will be coming out. Why would I want it over any other phone, if I can't play the latest games on it? I've played all the PS1 games I wanted to play over the years. And now the NGP has 3G, it's obviously capable of being a cellphone, why isn't it? If it's not going to replace my cellphone, it's not going to work it's way into my "never leave home without it" rotation. Since it obviously can't compete with my phone, it can only compete with the 3DS, but why would I want it more than a 3DS?

In closing, I don't understand why Sony didn't go just a little further. NGP = PSP2 + Cellphone would have been amazing. It really could have competed with the iPhone for gamers. Instead, they broke it in half and made two separate devices I don't care about.
Rinnon said:
This is something I really don't get. When they announced the Playstation Phone, I really really hoped that they meant the PSP2 was also going to have phone capabilities. There is only one device I never leave the house without, my cellphone.

You have to think about how making the PSP a phone and requiring a contract would absolutely cannibalize a large amount of their sales. My friend worked at a Gamestop for several years and he would always tell me about families that would come in with their child and all the kid would say is "psp psp psp" and that was that. No one would buy their child the most expensive phone in the store and sign up for a contract for it too. It would end being a PSPhone and a PSPtouch, like with Apple.
Could be cool. That's all I gotta say about that.

All the new handhelds look kinda eh. At least the NGP is gonna be a full controller and not just one set of shoulder buttons and one joystick.
Longo_2_guns said:
one joystick.
Kinda disappointed Nintendo didn't go with two, but look at them. Hasn't phased them yet... and one joystick just means SOOOO many n64 remakes coming down the pipe (which is fine by me, I grew up with that console so I can't nostalgia hard enough on it)
I've always wanted a PSP, mostly for the great selection of RPGs and Tactics games, but the last few years have been clouded with rumors of a new system and developers ending their support for it, so it didn't make much sense to be a late adopter when I already had a DS and iPhone.

The NGP, however, has piqued my interest with its twin joysticks and incredible graphics. If the developer support is strong off the bat, I could see myself getting one early.
That reminds me, the 3DS is really reminding me of the PSP. All it really has to offer right now are remakes and ports and Legends 3, which can only hold water for so long.

Except it won't hurt them at all, because it's Nintendo.
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