The other avatar...


The last airbender:

So... who's excited to see it in theater tomorrow! I sure am! :D been waiting for this for like a year!

People been complaining how the fire nation are Indians despise being Chinese in the original show. But then, I'd rather see some kick-ass Indians burning down Tibetan temples then some lame typical white Hollywood extras.

So... who's gonna see it?
^What he said. I'm also hearing that action might be where M. Night should start heading though and this shows good instincts on his part for fight choreography.
From what i heard, The critics watch it but the fan loves it. And i am a fan of the show.
Also, my friends have been telling me. DO NOT WATCH IT IN 3D! So... i wouldn't and you've been warned.

Worse come to worse, we will all forget the bad experience with Scott pilgrim next month.
Frickin' Scott Pilgrim!

I guess that it's basically a tagged-on 3D experience (see Clash of the Titans) so the CGI is extremely distorted during the 3D parts. And if anything is going to kill 3D, it's that.

I'm just barely into Book 1 of the TV series, my kids came home from a friend's house after watching it and we started doing that when I get home from work. Good series for a kids show.
Dude, Night's only good movies were Unbreakable and The 6th Sense. I really want to see this one though, mainly because I love the show like mad. The Book 2 finale is by far my favorite episode, with the whole Empire Strikes Back type ending (and no, I compared it to Empire long before IGN did). In terms of the movie, odds are fans of the series will like it while critics will hate it. Why? Because movie critics and TV critics are two different types of critic, and odds are the movie ones have never seen the show.

Bretimus, seeing as you're barely into Book 1, you've still got the best of the series to go. Seriously, the series finale (the 4-episode end of Book 3) is my second favorite simply because everyone comes to their full potential and there is a LOT of ass-kicking happening.

Anyway, can't wait to check this flick out, and I really hope it gets to the Dominican on the US release date

Oh yeah, Lien can you change this topic's name to the TRUE Avatar
schimmel said:
Oh yeah, Lien can you change this topic's name to the TRUE Avatar
How about the FIRST avatar? but then, someone is going to B*** about how Cameron wrote for it like 15 billions years before... :? Seriously, all my friends do that when i point it out. And what you got against the village? I loved that film!

Also to all of you, it's been confirm, don't wast your 3D budget money on the last airbender, just enjoy it like a normal film. Rather, spend it on inception on Imax!
Yeah but you can simply reply to their whiney ways on the other Avatar with the simple "fuck James Cameron"
Yeah, i've talked to several fans of the show who say this movie is an insult and the show doesn't deserve this treatment.

I'm staying away from it. Ignoring it.

The show, however- everybody should watch.
The show is too good not to watch. The second I finished Book 2 it skyrocketed into the #1 list on my favorite cartoons of all-time

EDIT: I found a review that seems to be worth reading. Thanks to Kotaku for actually knowing the show well enough to give an honest opinion
Heard from three friends that the movie is not very good. They all basically said (two saw it together, the other is separate) that the production quality was disappointing.
So you won't be seeing the movie because you don't trust it to be good, and the review I found saying it's not good, you don't trust either? Make up your mind, buddy
Finally seen it. And all i can say is this:
Pretty much what this guys said is what i felt about the film. It's still a watch and better then *cough* eclipse *cough*.

Where the Hell is she!

And don't give me, the whole "she's not in the film in the end"... Cause she was in the trailer!
Did M.Night pull a Molyneux on us? Is this going to be a "Special feature on Dvd" thingy? a last minute change that ruins everything? The worst part, it's that i actually feel sorry for M.Night... I can tell that's not what he intended in the final editing.

Well, beside we know what will take our mind off of this!

F*** yeah! Move over Inception :lol:
One part I really liked about the cartoon was the comedy. Was there any, Lien? Or was it all serious?
Mostly serious... Sokka was serious all along unfortunately, it kinda angered me in a scene or two. And as for uncle Iroh, he had the wise man role. I Actually really like that they portrayed him like that. And as for the rest of the crew, they all played their role too fast that it's too hard to follow up their role. There's hardly any character development at all...
In the end, it's seems more like a prologue then a movie ("previously in avatar...").

Oh and Aasif Mandvi as commander Jhao was the best decision M.Night ever made. He was very terrifying and threatening. It's hard to picture him in the daily show afterward. I loved how he liked to show humility toward other people by reminding their mistake (So... How's your father Zuko? Oh wait he doesn't speak to you! HA!)

Actually, now that i think about it again, I kinda liked the film. But then, i also like Eragon... and i read the book before... so yeah...
schimmel said:
So you won't be seeing the movie because you don't trust it to be good, and the review I found saying it's not good, you don't trust either? Make up your mind, buddy
What I said was pretty mutually exclusive.

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