The future of video games doesn't appear all that appealing.


XBOX360 hasn't really wowed me with any great games. I understand that consoles don't always have excellent launch titles, and it did take awhile for Xbox to get some solid weight behind it. But I figured since this is the first next-gen console, Microsoft would want to dish out the best of the best to grab customers before the PS3 leers his head around the corner.

Speaking of the PS3, I'm still trying to forget about that awful boomerang they call a controller. As for the games, Killzone looks great; too bad it's what Sony wants us to believe the PS3 will look like. I must say MGS4 does seem pretty interesting, even if Snake is an old geezer who has to stop and take his meds. And Alan Wake looks like it could satisfy my need for a fresh survival horror game. I guess I just don't like the design of the PS3. The Spider-man font and boomerang controller just plain turns me off.

And then we have Nintendo. I suppose I'm one of the few who dislikes their revolutionary controller. It is an interesting idea, but I wish the idea were optional. I just don't feel like flailing my arms around in front of the TV looking like a fool. I'm sure FPS games would be a blast, but to be honest, I'd rather use a light gun.

I don't want this topic to feel like a rant, but I'm not too impressed in the direction video games are going. :/
Yes, but at least you have the option to use a standard controller setup when playing through the Nintendo back catalogue, its not like they're saying "you can play it, but only if you wank this remote control."
I dunno, I personally think gaming looks better than ever. Loads of great games on the way, and more powerful system specs to utilize the programmer's vision. Should be a marvelous generation.
It's too early to tell exactly how good this next generation will be, Nintendo's out to revolutionise which is great, they should have a much bigger impact then they did with the Gamecube.

Xbox 360 is going to be quite impressive with its upgraded LIVE service. The controller is great, now we just have to wait for the games.

PS3 has some really impressive hardware, and they time to respond to the feedback on the controller...hopefully they do something about it.
Th future of console gaming looks bad, the PC still has innovation. Its so m,uch easier for small games companys to get into the PC market. Thats why with the PC there are constantly new series being brought out. While o the consoles its metal gear solid 4 and metroid prime 3 etc etc.
I don't like PC games only because my computer constantly needs upgrading to play the newsest one. I've never had the chance to play games like Half Life 2, WoW, Doom 3 or Black and White 2 simply because my computer can't take it :(

I'm not too intrested in the next generation consoles to be honest. However, I do like MGS4 a lot (I just started getting into MGS this year). I guess by the time I'm ready for a next console, the price will have dropped. So it's all good!
Blue_Frog said:
I don't like PC games only because my computer constantly needs upgrading to play the newsest one. I've never had the chance to play games like Half Life 2, WoW, Doom 3 or Black and White 2 simply because my computer can't take it :(

I'm not too intrested in the next generation consoles to be honest. However, I do like MGS4 a lot (I just started getting into MGS this year). I guess by the time I'm ready for a next console, the price will have dropped. So it's all good!

That's the mixed blessing with PC gaming. On the one hand, it's still much more open to new developers (how many small-time PC gaming firms make amazing sleeper hits every year?), but the downside is that for graphics and power to keep increasing, you need to put down a very pretty penny to keep up.

Still though, PC gaming is where it's at as far as I'm concerned.
I agree. Particularly, I'm not in a position of sufficient funds to afford any upcoming systems and a spiffy HDTV to provide quality visual aesthetics. But this is a monetary issue, which means this opinion will immediately change once I'm able to afford this next generation!
I just mostly moved from console gaming to PC gaming. If no one gives me a 360 for christmas or my birthday, I will just stick to PC gaming for a while. Only thing I dont like being a PC gamer is that I am the only one out of my friends who actually play games on the PC. I installed doom 3 to a friend's PC and man... it ran at like 12fps with everything on low.

As for the whole upgrading business, you really dont need to upgrade your PC till about 2 years. 3 years if you can tolerate playing at slightly lower settings for a while. You dont need to do a major overhaul till about 5 years. Hell, my mother's computer, which is over 5 years old can still play a lot of games today. Games look like crap, but it still plays them. How much money you spend is based on your tolerance. The guys that upgrade every year are the ones that just have to play over 60fps with AA and AF up the wazoo. Or they just have to get the new stuff as soon as it comes out... now I think that is just a waste of money.

PC gaming is a bit more expensive than console gaming if you buy your games legit, but it wont cost you that much more if you updgrade wisely.
I hope the video game business doesn't do what the movie business did and become so focused on the visuals that they just throw any retarded story in with it.
Re: The future of video games doesn't appear all that appeal

Hexagram said:
It is an interesting idea, but I wish the idea were optional.

This has already been pointed out...but it is optional. The odds are that it won't ever be 100% necessary, but using the actual controller may prove harder, or less effective.

lazygamer9 said:
I hope the video game business doesn't do what the movie business did and become so focused on the visuals that they just throw any retarded story in with it.

Too late, amigo.
Garra_93 said:
stuff i dont like

x-box 360 = no good game \
Wii =t he controler _ all 2 pricey
PS3 = nothing new /

I'm gonna take you out back and shoot you like an old dog who's become useless.

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