The Elder Scrolls: Future


What if they brought the Elder Scrolls universe into a Scifi-fantasy setting? I got this idea while running threw the Colovian Highlands on Oblivion, and looking up at the two moons in the night sky. So close, yet so far. So I wondered, what if space travel were possible? Then, it hit me.


Lizard people in high-tech space suits, golems and daedra that can survive the vacuum of space, long-lost dwemer technology that was millenniums ahead of it's time, and of course, magic, to tie it all together.

I've gotten myself all worked up about this. I need that greatness. Games, meet the next generation of awesome.
Well, considering "space" in the elder scrolls games are literally a series of planets (all already reachable through portals between worlds) contained in a magical shell...

It wouldn't work.

Fun fact, there is no "sun" in the Elder Scrolls. That giant ball of fire in the sky is actually a hole in the magical shell that tons and tons and tons of magic is coming through.
I LOVE Morrowind (Oblivion a little less, Skyrim a lot less) but I'm not all that into the lore of the Elder Scrolls series, so much. It's maybe above average for a realized fantasy world, but I could do without a lot of it.

Longo's your man for this. I think he likes the lore more than the games.
Longo_2_guns said:
Well, considering "space" in the elder scrolls games are literally a series of planets (all already reachable through portals between worlds) contained in a magical shell...

It wouldn't work.

Fun fact, there is no "sun" in the Elder Scrolls. That giant ball of fire in the sky is actually a hole in the magical shell that tons and tons and tons of magic is coming through.
Do you have references?
De-Ting said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Well, considering "space" in the elder scrolls games are literally a series of planets (all already reachable through portals between worlds) contained in a magical shell...

It wouldn't work.

Fun fact, there is no "sun" in the Elder Scrolls. That giant ball of fire in the sky is actually a hole in the magical shell that tons and tons and tons of magic is coming through.
Do you have references?

De-Ting said:
What if they brought the Elder Scrolls universe into a Scifi-fantasy setting?
I thought they already did. It was called fallout.

*Taps microphone*
used44 said:
Longo's your man for this. I think he likes the lore more than the games.
Mostly because the Elder Scrolls is the only major franchise I can think of where every game has LESS than the previous title. I've put a good amount of time into Oblivion and Morrowind, but I couldn't stomach more than one playthrough of Skyrim.

And what makes the Elder Scrolls lore fun is it's very atypical for a typical Tolkien world (ie, Orcs were created when a Daedra Lord swallowed up a race and pooped out the Orcs, or how the dwarves one day just decided that they weren't going to exist anymore and poofed themselves away). I'm not a huge lore fanboy, though.

Luckily, someone made a handy little picture of the outer space area.

Lien said:
De-Ting said:
What if they brought the Elder Scrolls universe into a Scifi-fantasy setting?
I thought they already did. It was called fallout.

*Taps microphone*
Haha. Not post-apocalyptic, retro-steampunk-future, but glorious, magic-driven technological advancement.
Maybe not Elder Scrolls, but a whole new sci-fi game in the ES style would be pretty cool.
Thinking about it, the Elder Scrolls wouldn't be scrolls in the future, they'd be tablets or something?!
Well, most of it was written in Daggerfall and Morrowind, and then all of the books in Oblivion are just carry overs of those.
De-Ting said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Well, considering "space" in the elder scrolls games are literally a series of planets (all already reachable through portals between worlds) contained in a magical shell...

It wouldn't work.

Fun fact, there is no "sun" in the Elder Scrolls. That giant ball of fire in the sky is actually a hole in the magical shell that tons and tons and tons of magic is coming through.
Do you have references?
Here's a short sum up.

Here's the long one from in game:

In short, it's thanks to the sun (Or the rip) that there is magic in Mundus (think of it as "the elder scroll galaxy"), that also includes Nirn (or "planet elder scroll").
I'm not really looking forward to the Elders Scrolls: Online game, I'm predicting that it's going to be another MMO similar to that of WoW... but hey, I could be wrong.

I wish there as a MOD to play Skyrim as a multiplayer game, with mates or something.

As for a single player game, I think Bethesda is going to have to work their arse off to top Skyrim. Oblivion was an okay game in my book, but Skyrim completely blew me away.

A little off topic, I'm looking forward to the next Fallout game by Bethesda. :)
Well to clarify, It will be... sigh... pay to play at first. They did promise that they will drop that method in the future but yeah...

And stop being a elder scroll hipster, longo. You look silly in a telvanni shirt!
I would actually like to see a modern day elder scrolls. Magic and all that fantastical stuff exists, but instead of people blacksmithing and running shops, they go work in a cubicle.

Imagine, a huge open world city with buildings and sewers to explore like the existing caves. I think it could work.

The super weird solar system and planes can still exist, just the world advanced quite a bit technologically. Such a game will not happen in at least a couple decades, when the series is dying, though.
FrozenBacon said:
Imagine, a huge open world city with buildings and sewers to explore like the existing caves. I think it could work.
Lien said:
I thought they already did. It was called fallout.

I've decided that from now on, all my witty responses will just be people's existing comments.

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