Thank you valve......

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madster111 said:
You know what?

I blame the insurgent of cunts on Dan, somehow.

You know what? Fuck you. Everyone on this board thinks you're a stupid dick bag, but somehow you fail to acknowledge this fact.

Bioshock > Half-Life 2. The king is dead. Long live the king.
No, everyone on this board thinks i'm an asshole.

Apparently you're just an idiot that doesn't appreciate a company that has made some of the best games recently and likes to compare games that were made in different fucking generations.
madster111 said:
No, everyone on this board thinks i'm an asshole.

Apparently you're just an idiot that doesn't appreciate a company that has made some of the best games recently and likes to compare games that were made in different fucking generations.

Really? Last time I checked The Orange Box and Bioshock were both released on the current generation of consoles. I'll admit, Valve makes good games. But they take their damned time about it. Get your thumbs out of your ass! What the fuck is taking so long? We got two pretty good Episodes...and then... Left 4 Dead...

Have you seen the previews for Bioshock Infinite? We've had 3 Bioshocks now...
TheJx4 said:
De-Ting said:
You still have completely disregarded Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress, and all the others, made by Valve, which is what he meant by "one of the greatest contributors to video games".

Don't care for HL, I like Portal, don't like TF, yeah....I don't really like Valve's games.
and what exactly have they done other than create a rabid fanbase that begs for Episode 3?

You were what, 3, when Half Life came out?

Regardless of what you've seen, how well you may have researched this topic, you (nor anyone else who was not of proper age around that time frame) can not understand the significance of that company.

It wasn't just Half Life. It wasn't just Counter-Strike. It was a key moment in video game evolution. Movement towards the main stream, acceptance, years and years worth of mechanics and tons of other crap. Valve put an irremovable stamp on gaming, like it or not.

This company was, and still is, a MAJOR part of our gaming history.

If it weren't for Valve, games you seem to hold so dear such as Halo and Call of Duty would've never been able to meet the markets they now have. Maybe in 10 years, when some kid comes through and starts criticizing developers and companies that you grew up on, you'll understand what you just stepped in.
Diabolus said:
madster111 said:
Apparently you're just an idiot that doesn't appreciate a company that has made some of the best games recently and likes to compare games that were made in different fucking generations.

Really? Last time I checked The Orange Box and Bioshock were both released on the current generation of consoles.

Well, you're right about The Orange Box and Bioshock being release at the same year, but Half-Life 2 was originally released in 2004 on the PC. A year before the Xbox 360 came out. Anyways, feel free to hate Valve, I really don't care.

Anyways, back on topic, I remembered going to a friend's house to have a LAN party and all we ever played sometimes would be Counter-Strike. Fun times.
Diabolus said:
madster111 said:
No, everyone on this board thinks i'm an asshole.

Apparently you're just an idiot that doesn't appreciate a company that has made some of the best games recently and likes to compare games that were made in different fucking generations.

Really? Last time I checked The Orange Box and Bioshock were both released on the current generation of consoles. I'll admit, Valve makes good games. But they take their damned time about it. Get your thumbs out of your ass! What the fuck is taking so long? We got two pretty good Episodes...and then... Left 4 Dead...

Have you seen the previews for Bioshock Infinite? We've had 3 Bioshocks now...
Yeah, and look what happened to Bioshock 2. After Bioshock it was an absolute disappointment, it felt completely rushed. I don't mind companies taking their time with games, as long as it results in quality. Look at Blizzard as a fine example (also Valve, obviously), they take years and years to release games but they are top notch and played for decades. You can take your EA quarterly released games and have 10 hrs of enjoyment with them.
I'm glad the new CS will be on consoles, but I'm not sure how many shooters I need at one given time, personally. I plan on still being balls deep in Battlefield 3 at that point in time.
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