What type of strategy game do you prefer?

  • Those that are turn-based

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  • Those that are real-time

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I've never liked Turn Based, it's too easy. RTS games are the perfect test of skill, strategy and reflexes. With turn based games, there is very little pressure and the games move along too slowly. RTS ftw.
i have always hated turn-based but real time is just awesome, it's like final fantasy against command and conquer and i wud choose C&C
i like both. but if i had a choice id say real time...just because its more realistic and perhaps more exciting.
You know, I hate RTS'. Those games are simply diversions of constantly clicking. They all seem to focus alot on collecting recources (unstrategically i may add), as opposed to strategic battles. The battles themselves have no strategic value. The only "strategy" involved is to make sure the number of units you have is larger than your opponents.
true, TBS is a lot more cognitive. I just prefer RTS, im not exactly an intelligent guy so that might be why :p
Boringman54 said:
i have always hated turn-based but real time is just awesome, it's like final fantasy against command and conquer and i wud choose C&C

That would also be like comparing....lets see something you would get...mario to metroid to completely different game styles, final fantasy 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 are all ATB so you cant just sit there all day
Boringman54 said:
no im saying cuz final fantasy is a TBS and command and conquer is an RTS
Final Fantasy is not really a Turn-based strategy game (it's an RPG). The only game in the series that can be defined as a TBS is Final Fantasy Tactics. A game that can be defined as a TBS should be games like Civilization or the Nippon Ichi games (Disgaea, Phantom Brave)
DocMoc said:
The only TBS game I ever liked was Paper Mario.
ok from wat ppl hav told me, a TBS is lik one of those grid-based strategy games and if thats true than paper mario is not a TBS, its an RPG
people are getting tbs and tbc mixed up

turn based strategy

and turn based combat

turn based strategy is fall out, tactics, front mission

turn based combat is final fantasy 7 (go ahead and scream its active battle. i call bullshit) xenogears, that stuff
Lord_Fornelius said:
Boringman54 said:
no im saying cuz final fantasy is a TBS and command and conquer is an RTS
Final Fantasy is not really a Turn-based strategy game (it's an RPG).

FF is not a TBS game but it does have turn-based combat system. (At least the earlier games)

Anyways, while TBS are easy, I simply hate it. What if it's your opponent's turn? I'd rather go fast paced than wait 5 minutes 'till he's done. (I'm not really that patient)

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