Super Mario Galaxy...failed. GTA IV.....failed.

Lord_Sesshomaru said:
Eh, OoT was ok.

Ocarina of Time was more than "ok".it was a freakin masterpiece

God forbid someone has their own OPINION! Please stop telling people what to think. kthanx

P.S. Super Mario Galaxy....FUN GTAIV....FUN! Who cares if it's 2 points off from being the "best game ever." They're both incredibly fun games, both critically and user acclaimed. so If you consider a game to only be good if it's the "best reviewed game ever" then your pretty narrow minded.

Play your games, enjoy them, and don't care what anyone elese thinks.

P.P.S. GTA IV is back to a 97.7 on the 360 making it the "1st best game of all time" according to game rankings topic is null and void?
The only reason OoT was not a perfect game was the lack of the classic Legend of Zelda theme/Hyrule Symphony.

Had it had that song in the game, none would come close.
Element_CKy said:
Lord_Sesshomaru said:
Eh, OoT was ok.

Ocarina of Time was more than "ok".it was a freakin masterpiece

God forbid someone has their own OPINION! Please stop telling people what to think. kthanx

P.S. Super Mario Galaxy....FUN GTAIV....FUN! Who cares if it's 2 points off from being the "best game ever." They're both incredibly fun games, both critically and user acclaimed. so If you consider a game to only be good if it's the "best reviewed game ever" then your pretty narrow minded.

Play your games, enjoy them, and don't care what anyone elese thinks.

P.P.S. GTA IV is back to a 97.7 on the 360 making it the "1st best game of all time" according to game rankings topic is null and void?
You're making a ton of precarious assumptions there.

PS - This topic pertains to OOT not being dethroned yet, and since it just temporarily was (again), i find the topic still relevant.
Element_CKy said:
Who cares if it's 2 points off from being the "best game ever." They're both incredibly fun games, both critically and user acclaimed. so If you consider a game to only be good if it's the "best reviewed game ever" then your pretty narrow minded.
If people actually thought like that, then that would mean there is only one game that's good. No one thinks like that.
I don't understand why everyone is still obsessed with a ten year old game. It's nice to be nostalgic and have fond memories, but no one here would be able to swallow the archaic gameplay it has. I say archaic because by today's standards, that's exactly what it is.

This is also coming from a guy who loved Ocarina of Time. I played it for an entire summer. No walkthroughs, no cheats, no nothing. Every night from 8 PM until 5 AM, it was Zelda. Still, I've had better experiences with my videogames since then,.

I won't rattle off a list because that'd be pointless. The point is, really, the criteria to be a reviewer nowadays is pretty substantial compared to back then. There's just no way in hell OoT would garner the same kind of reviews if it were made in today's environment (trust me, they tried. Twilight Princess, anyone?). So everyone, please, move on with your gaming lives. There are plenty of newer (and better) experiences to be had. I'm not saying don't appreciate the game or remember fondly how it was so much fun, what I'm saying is that OoT should be recognized as a classic game, put in a box somewhere, and then be remembered with rose-coloured glasses. I know for a fact that if I tried to play it through now, I'd have so many bones to pick with it I'd be inviting Nintendo freaks to find my address and smother me with a pillow while I sleep.

Remember; it's one thing to be nostalgic, and it's another to believe a ten year old game's shit don't stink.
AcidTrip said:
I don't understand why everyone is still obsessed with a ten year old game. It's nice to be nostalgic and have fond memories, but no one here would be able to swallow the archaic gameplay it has.

I just played it on Wii VC last week. As a matter of fact I play it often just for kicks. It holds up amazingly well. Honest.
I still say you shoudln't compare a game to today's standards. If it did, obviously it wouldn't hold up well. It might still be fun but if you were to really analayze, it wouldn't do so good. So, you should think of how good it was when it came out.
That's exactly my point, but a lot of die-hard OoT fans like to compare it to today's games, and it just doesn't hold nearly as much weight as it did in 1998. Games have evolved since then, and we should recognize and embrace that.
I think about the one thing that OoT has, and it's depth. Think about how many things to beat: 3 dungeons, 5 temples (5.5 or 6 if you count Spirit), and 3 semi-dungeons (Ice Cavern and Bottom of the Well, not to mention Ganon's Castle). It also had plenty of side quests and upgrades. Some games, such as GTA IV are longer, but for a game from that time, and each temple and quest being unique, it does put the game in a hard-to-beat category
AcidTrip said:
I don't understand why everyone is still obsessed with a ten year old game. It's nice to be nostalgic and have fond memories, but no one here would be able to swallow the archaic gameplay it has. I say archaic because by today's standards, that's exactly what it is.

The point is, really, the criteria to be a reviewer nowadays is pretty substantial compared to back then. There's just no way in hell OoT would garner the same kind of reviews if it were made in today's environment (trust me, they tried. Twilight Princess, anyone?). So everyone, please, move on with your gaming lives. There are plenty of newer (and better) experiences to be had. I'm not saying don't appreciate the game or remember fondly how it was so much fun, what I'm saying is that OoT should be recognized as a classic game, put in a box somewhere, and then be remembered with rose-coloured glasses. I know for a fact that if I tried to play it through now, I'd have so many bones to pick with it I'd be inviting Nintendo freaks to find my address and smother me with a pillow while I sleep.

Remember; it's one thing to be nostalgic, and it's another to believe a ten year old game's s*** don't stink.

For me though, coming from someone who still plays it (albeit the Gamecube ported version of the game) from time to time it is still a game that is current. Not a lot of games are still played yearly.

For example, games like Pac-Man, Tetris, Donkey Kong, etc. are played yearly because of the fun these games produce to players after so long. Are these games really nostalgic, I say no, because to be nostalgic, one would only play a game they used to play for a short stint a while later, which brings back that feeling. That's like playing something like R-Type, Shinobi, or Contra.

Ocarina of time is in the former category, it's a game of it's own class that has yet to be fully rivaled in anything we have seen in the past ten years. Is it archaic gameplay? Probably. But at the same time, it still has smoother controls and gaming modes then most games out today, and despite obvious graphical deficiencies, it holds up nicely to other games.

So it is how you look at it I guess. I personally think Game Rankings is a load of crap to begin with, but OOT is one of those timeless games that you continue to keep playing year after year, at least for most gamers, not because of the nostalgic feel, but because of the fact it's such a damn good game. It's like reading the Lord of the Rings; you know what's going to happen, but you also can't put it down because of how it's told.
Solaris10 said:
Ocarina of time.

And seriously, I think the reason we can't dethrone OOT is because we are more whiny then we were back then.

My 2 cents.

Bullshit! OOT was just that great of a game. Only thing throughout the years that I would say that are on its level are GTA III and Shenmue. This isn't even nostalgia speaking, I'd easily say some games were better than games when I was younger. OOT is just that solid of a game. Kind of like monopoly, it is older than dirt itself yet it is still a great game that modern games cannot beat.

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