Summer Vacation


So tired.
Everyday lately it is hard to go to work and leave the boys sitting around the house enjoying the break. Doesn't help that their mom is a teacher and gets break too. I can honestly say that I would be really bored sitting around as an adult but at the same time I get jealous of the freedom.

Keeping in mind that you would have a child's budget. If you could relive summer break what would yours be composed of?
Bretimus_v2 said:
Keeping in mind that you would have a child's budget. If you could relive summer break what would yours be composed of?
Lots of woods in our area, so we would constantly be hiking through. There are (were, don't know, it's been years) trails leading us to one part of town to another.
Probably go on a holiday somewhere. Maybe interstate to somewhere warm and beachy, where family and relatives are.

Do a lot of drawing, or as much as I can.

Train when ever I want, rather than just "after work".

Play more video games!
Sleep in! Ever since I got my current job where I'm there at 7 AM, I can't sleep in past 8:30 it seems. Just this past Monday I took the day off and woke up at 9:30 after going to bed at 3...
I took a one week vacation back to Chico California and had a blast. The price of good medicine on the west coast is crazy low compared to the midwest.

Did you know that having a piece of black electrical tape over the webcam will make the TSA want to give your laptop extra screening?

When we got home we found they left a note that they "randomly" searched our bags.

Oh yeah and at the start of the trip a TSA agent pulled my girlfriend to the side and asked her if she was of age to be traveling and if I was forcing her to come with me. My girlfriend is 21!
Sourdeez said:
Did you know that having a piece of black electrical tape over the webcam will make the TSA want to give your laptop extra screening?

When we got home we found they left a note that they "randomly" searched our bags.

Oh yeah and at the start of the trip a TSA agent pulled my girlfriend to the side and asked her if she was of age to be traveling and if I was forcing her to come with me. My girlfriend is 21!

What the hell did you do to piss them off so much? :p

I've been overseas for holidays three times now and they were all amazing experiences. The first time is when I was ten years old, I went with my family to America and we went to California (DISNEYLAND YEAH). Second overseas holiday was when I was twenty five, we went to America again but this time I went with friends and back to California (YEAH MORE DISNEYLAND YEAH).

Third trip was at the end of last year/beginning of this year. Went to Japan and pretty much traveled from south to north over three days, visiting Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo (YEAH MORE DISNEYLAND FUCK YEAH) and then Niseko.

At the end of this year, the same friends and I are travelling back to America. We're heading to Las Vegas, Nashville and Florida (MORE DISNEY AW YIS).
Craig, you could meet up with one of GR's freelance writers, Ryan Bates. He lives in Las Vegas.
I remember my in last year at uni my final semester ended in May, giving me a month before everyone actually went home. I had a solid month of playing nothing but Halo 3 multiplayer, drinking beer and pizza eating...pretty much!

And that's probably what I would do at first, but after 3 weeks or so I'd get bored and want to go on a little trip. Maybe the beach and learn to surf or something like that.
UghRochester said:
Craig, you could meet up with one of GR's freelance writers, Ryan Bates. He lives in Las Vegas.

Ryan and I are well acquainted (we're Facebook buddies) but he helps me with idea generation and editing of GR Strips' writing. I'll send him an e-mail to see if he'd be up for an "iRL" catch up but in all fairness, it depends on how much free time I'll have - my friends organising this vacation have a lot planned. We'll see how it goes! :)

Longo_2_guns said:
If everything else you're doing is over towards the east coast, why stop in Vegas? Layover?

Well we're arriving in LA X and from there we'll be heading to Vegas. My friends just wanna go to Vegas, then Nashville (my friend's mother really wants to visit Nashville) and then we're going to Florida because we all wanna visit Disney World. Some of my friends will be in California while I'm still in Australia, it just means my girlfriend and I will fly in on a later date.
Well, Ive been working with kids this year and in schools so now I do have the summer off. It's good and bad.... Today really was a complete waste day. I made a new simcity town.... Haven't played that game in years, prbly since school time. But apart from that... Lots of camping, hiking, trips to the park, cheap things. So it's quite like when I was a kid but it's actually nice to have time off. Apart from the stress of no pay cheque coming in for some time :) but I can wake up when I want, have a siesta after lunch, do sport, yeah it's nice :)

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