Streaming Advice

UghRochester said:
What software were you going to use to stream anyways?

Xsplit I hear is good.

Got to remember I have no clue how this shit works in the end. Most of the streaming done has been on my PS4 which is a one button press thing.

The new capture card is for future streaming, and for video capture from the PS4 to the PC. One of the ideas I had was to do a No Mans Sky video series and turn it into a Jacque Cousteau sort of narrative with footage captured.

So the footage for that will be edited. Otherwise not sure what else will happen.
UghRochester said:
B-but OBS is very much like Xsplit and it's free to use

we have a sub at techraptor free to use for me, Xsplit is.

Plus the last few times I tried OBS it failed miserably. Couldn't get the stream to work properly and when it did the footage was mediocre, at best.
LinksOcarina said:
UghRochester said:
B-but OBS is very much like Xsplit and it's free to use

we have a sub at techraptor free to use for me, Xsplit is.

Plus the last few times I tried OBS it failed miserably. Couldn't get the stream to work properly and when it did the footage was mediocre, at best.

If you can use a free license for Xpslit - then I would suggest using that ONLY BECAUSE it allows you to send to multiple places at once. But Ugh's right - OBS is basically the same thing, and free. the benefit is - is that there is an open source community that will find work-around for things you might need to do, where Xsplit is a "legitimate" company.

Also using OBS will force you to educate yourself on what exactly streaming is and the various settings that fine tune your broadcast.

Just out of curiosity - what are you planning to do? I liked your Fallout PS4 streams, what are you wanting to do differently"?
The idea broached to me was a collaborative project with some staff members to record No Mans Sky, have someone possibly edit it, and then do commentary as if it was a Nature Video in some form.

I would be doing the capture and possibly voice over, while others would chime in with the action. Would probably do like 4-6 hours or so of recording a day and go from there to cut it down into weekly chunks.
watch Achievement Hunter on YT - they got really cool collaborative ideas because they play dead by dawn and use Cards as a multi-view window
UrbanMasque said:
watch Achievement Hunter on YT - they got really cool collaborative ideas because they play dead by dawn and use Cards as a multi-view window

I have no idea what some of that means when it comes to cards and multi-view windows.

That said, I shall check them out.
So I got the Elgato HD 60 device, and for the most part it is working, although we got some growing pains to deal with as I figure this out.

My biggest problem is audio sync, like Ugh stated, so I need to mess around with that. The thing is, the games own audio is also a few seconds off.

I think changing that up a bit might help, have to mess around with it and see what I can do, but otherwise the device is working well.
Even though Urban says it doesn't matter, always update Elgato's software. You probably already did that. It could be an XSplit problem, because I remember a couple years ago I tried XSplit and the audio of the game was desyncing from the video over time.
Oh I didnt have Xsplit on, it was just straight up capture from the TV to the laptop that had sync issues.

I think I fixed it, also tested it on the other systems so well see if it works now when I translate it over.
Oh right. I have no idea about configuring that. I use an HDMI splitter (mainly to bypass HDCP) and I connect one input to my TV and one input to my Elgato. I don't have to worry about adjusting the brightness and whatnot.

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