Sports m***********


With winter finally starting to recede (for those of us that experience a true winter anyways), the snowbanks are parting and making way for soggy grass that smells of dogshit, and that can only mean sport season is upon us.

what do you asshats enjoy doing? My new years resolution was to make the city rugby team as I haven't played in a few years so it should be interesting. Baseball fans? Tennis? That sport full of limp wristed fruitloops you call soccer/football?
Im not much of a sport guy but when I was living in Northern California I watched the giants from the start of the season all the way to wining the world series. My favorite was the pitcher Timmy.

Now I live north of St Louis, Im not much of a sports guy but I could always get drunk at a cardinals baseball game. The St Louis Blues hockey team practices just a few miles away from my house.
Winter is still going strong with snow and -15 C weather, but I do enjoy swimming and beach volley at summer. Can't really find the interest to start a team sport again.
I play football for my local team, I'm a midfielder who tackles everyone (10% of the time successful). I also play football with my friends Monday night.

I used to play a lot of rugby and football in school, but I grew up with the latter so enjoy that much more.

I also play a lot of golf in the summer. Love that sport, especially on a nice day (rarely comes at this end of the world). Masters in April - WOOO!
I've been a Giants fan my whole life. Went to every series of the post season last year. So, yeah, that's what I like.

As for sports I'm playing, my friends and I are trying to get a Sloshball team going. We'll see how that goes for us.
my favorite sport is hockey and its the only sport ive never played on a team.. will always be one of my biggest regrets.

im more into going swimming, hiking, jogging, biking etc. in the summer.

wouldnt mind finding some people to play soccer with though.
It's cliche that Texas loves their football, but it's true. I keep up with other sports through ESPN, I read the sports page front to back, but football's the only sport I follow in the offseason. With the NFL combine ending, I'm watching free agency and looking towards the draft. I don't play fantasy football, and I'm not one of those psychos who follow the high school games, but I do love the game.
The Dallas Cowboys break my heart every damn year, but that's the game. At least I got to see them ride high in the '90s. There's no rugby in Texas. We play no pads tackle football at parks, same thing.

Baseball and spring training is cool, but the sport doesn't interest me until playoffs, though baseball's my favorite sport to see live. I'm a little more interested in basketball because it's easier to get up for the big games, and easy to watch.

I follow boxing, always have. Any boxing, even the no name guys on Telemundo and the smaller channels. Don't follow MMA, but if it's a big fight, I'll watch. Not a fan of college wrestling, but love the WWE stuff. I don't really consider it a sport, but it belongs in sports chat.

Don't care for hockey. I probably could if I tried. But in Texas, the hockey fans are the sort of people who are only hockey fans. They're all like, fuck football, so no.
The best thing about Soccer is that they're hardly any breaks so the games don't seem to drag, but still it's something I have to prepare myself mentally for. "Today we're watching soccer, okay?" Then I have someone slap me in the face a few times because I gotta get loose for it. When it comes to watching soccer, I've gotta admit, I've come a long way.
Tennis? Not really, but hearing the women grunt is cool. Martina Hingis was awesome.
Golf, Bowling and NASCAR, I just don't watch.

also, Calvinball.
intoTheRain said:
my favorite sport is hockey and its the only sport ive never played on a team.. will always be one of my biggest regrets.

im more into going swimming, hiking, jogging, biking etc. in the summer.

wouldnt mind finding some people to play soccer with though.

fucker you're like an hour and some odd minutes away, and liquid an hour ontop of that, GR's first hockey team is born
I tried a bunch of different sports when I was a kid, even played in little league basketball and baseball, but my asthma kept me from doing anything great.

Martial arts is pretty much the only real sport I can get behind, now, depending on what you call a sport.
Zajix said:
It's still another 5 months til football season.... :(


As for playing sports, I really hope to get more golf in this summer. I barely played last year.
used44 said:
As for playing sports, I really hope to get more golf in this summer. I barely played last year.
So like, are the putting greens just frozen ponds, and the hole doubles as an ice fishing hole?
My situation is kind of weird in terms of professional sports. I love baseball - it's easily my favorite sport, but growing up in Nebraska where there isn't any pro sports just massive amounts of Cornhusker fandom, I've never had a favorite team it's more favorite players that I like to follow rather than a particular team. I've always dreamed of taking a summer and driving across country to watch a baseball game in every stadium over the course of a season.

Playing wise - an old high school friend just asked me if I wanted to play coed softball this summer. I know it's more of a social thing, but that softball league isn't going to know what hit them!
Green_Lantern said:
Playing wise - an old high school friend just asked me if I wanted to play coed softball this summer. I know it's more of a social thing, but that softball league isn't going to know what hit them!
Yeah, but they could probably assume it was big and round and hurts more than the name implies.
De-Ting said:
used44 said:
As for playing sports, I really hope to get more golf in this summer. I barely played last year.
So like, are the putting greens just frozen ponds, and the hole doubles as an ice fishing hole?

Something like that.


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