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The problem is, people like that with that kind of money and connections, rarely do hard time for those so called "white collar crimes"

Unless they want to make an example out of him, he'll most likely post bail and go back to living his life and will probably pay a fine and get probation instead of a prison sentence.

The one who I want to see in cuffs is that stupid asshole kid that got drunk and killed 4 people in a car crash and his rich parents got him off on probation and now him and his mom fled the country cause someone had him on video at a drinking party violating said probation. I hope they both get locked up. ... TE=DEFAULT
I don't see why people are pissed at the kid, he's just doing what any of us would do (go partying after being let off from a potential murder charge fucking yeee, go full mexico when you might be arrested again).

No, you should be pissed at the stupid cunt of a judge. The clearly already senile old bribe taking piece of shit deserves to be fucking shot, and i'm genuinely surprised one of the parents of the victims hasn't done so already.
A blind referee would make better calls.
The judge, the parents, the lawyers, they are all terrible. The kid, who is 18 and an adult now, it's easy to be pissed at him. After ending the lives of 4 people, he gets the lightest sentence possible, you would think that would have been a wake up call for him that this is his second shot at life, maybe straighten up and live clean.

Instead, he goes back to doing what he was before, disregarding his probation, because fuck it, mommy and daddy can just pay off another judge.

And instead of owning up for his shit, him and mommy run off to a resort in Mexio to still live it up.

And I don't think that's what any of us would do. "Whew, that was a close one. Lets go celebrate by doing the one thing we were told not to do!"
His lawyer in particular for inventing a made up medical condition that says anything this asshole does, he isn't responsible for his own actions because rich mommy and daddy spoiled him too much and forgot to teach him right from wrong and tell him no once in a while.
Green_Lantern said:
I don't see how the lawyers are terrible for doing their jobs...
Try to keep that mindset when you get blamed for a crime you didn't commit and end up going to prison because the plaintiff's lawyer 'did their job.'
madster111 said:
i'm genuinely surprised one of the parents of the victims hasn't done so already.

This.. honestly, it was so egregious I'm shocked. Affluenza..

One day... injustice is going to be on the wrong side of someone with nothing left to lose..

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