So, Fallout New Vegas...



I've been really trying to just play through it before Fallout 4 releases, but wow was this game rushed.

Look at this page:


This isn't even the worst example of a broken quest, but it's where I've finally come to my senses and realized NV isn't as good as people say, at least to a player like me. I think I'm just gonna fly by the seat of my pants from now on and see how many unfinishable or blocked quests I end up with. Thank goodness I never got it on PS3 when I was into trophies.
Seems fine to me.

Though you also didn't like Deus Ex, so maybe good video games just aren't for you.
I'm not saying nobody can possibly enjoy it. I'm saying it's a 6/10. A 3/5. A 24 oz. As a whole, it doesn't compare to Fallout 3.
I thought the world had more flavor to it than three. Three had some amazing quests but I thought the characters in NV had more to them in some cases.
NV is a step ahead of 3. Easily. Sure the world might not be as engaging as Washington DC, but the story and writing is way better than 3

I've said it before, but Old World Blues is the best DLC I've ever played.
I understand everyone has their preferences of the stories and characters. I'm not trying to sway anyone in one way or another about that. I'm just saying there's a crapload of ways in New Vegas to get your save fubar.
Speaking from my own experiences, Fallout 3 was actually more unstable than New Vegas, most of the glitches the games had at launch have since been patched out but 3 has a number of technical problems that can only be fixed with aftermarket tools and manual tinkering. The same degree of involvement is only required for New Vegas if getting into heavy modding.

That said, New Vegas' glitchiness was disappointing because it got in the way of what is otherwise one of the best RPGs made in years. Fallout 3's glitchiness is disappointing because it seems symptomatic of the utterly cavalier attitude taken towards the rest of the project which is why it never actually feels like Fallout even when it's smuggling in whole plot beats, characters, setting details and background information from previous games. New Vegas consistently does feel like Fallout even when the things on display have no direct connection to past games at all. It's a certain sensibility about things more than anything else and Bethesda cannot pull it off.
They both froze on me many times. Fallout 3 probably froze a few more times though!

But I would remember vividly when NV froze on a loading screen whilst I was doing a very sensitive mission!

Man, if Bethesda's games weren't so damn good, they would receive a world of hate.
I liked them both a lot, but if I had to pick, I would say that I liked New Vegas better than 3. I just hope 4 isn't as much of a mess as NV was when it released.
Much prefer Fallout 3 over New Vegas.

I preferred F3's story over NV and I also hated how much smaller NV was than F3. I didn't like how many frickin' invisible walls NV had, where as F3 gave much greater options and freedom for exploration.

Bug-wise, I was lucky and didn't experience much, although NV did crash on me a few times.
You need all the DLCs and some mods to bring out the best of new vegas.
Especially things like the 'new vegas uncut' series of mods, the strip restored, etc that all removes the 'rushed' feeling so you can focus on the delicious story and hardcore mode gameplay. The unofficial patch and things like NV anti-crash and stutter remover also help a whole lot to make the game more stable.

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