So Crysis 2 anyone?


Anyone pick this up yet? I ended up getting it for the PC, not sure what to expect and surprisingly I can run it on the hardcore visual settings on my GTX 260, [email protected] and get 40 fps. I do kind of wish that I knew what settings hardcore used but either way, I'm impressed! They weren't lying when they said Crysis 2 would be more accessible.

It is worth nothing this was in DX 10 mode.

Here's a couple of SS, not sure how much different it would look on a DX11 card:

Oh yeah...The game is fun too!



One thing I may want to do is change my contrast...I don't know what I think of the colours.
Finally I thought I was the only one playing this game, I just beat it for the second time today (for the super soldier achievements) and I still am willing to say I loved it. Whenever I describe what it's about and how it plays everyone gave the same reaction, their eyes got a little smaller, doubtful look on their face and in a questionable tone said "So.... It's like Halo?" Maybe I'm just really terrible at describing games. I will admit the game when you replay it and you've basically mastered the abilities it's a lot easier, first time I played the game I spaced it out and beat it in 4 days (I hate beating games as soon as I get them, I like to space it out) when I replayed it on the hardest difficulty beat it in 2 days. But I will admit I did cloak and run past everything instead of fighting.... a lot...
Ahh. Well then. Thanks for clearing that up Green Lantern!

The demo kind of sucked. The single player is more enjoyable. For me anyways.

Delorean, how did it look visually and run for you on the PC? What setup do you have?
Lethean said:
Ahh. Well then. Thanks for clearing that up Green Lantern!

The demo kind of sucked. The single player is more enjoyable. For me anyways.

Delorean, how did it look visually and run for you on the PC? What setup do you have?

I wish I had a computer that was good enough to run crysis. I played it on my xbox and with the HDTV I have with the HDMI it looked so amazing. But I'm a little bummed because I know that PC users can have a prettier looking version if they had a PC with the strength. But on the xbox it still looked like one of the best graphics I've seen recently on a console game. Side note I had the HUD bobbing turned all the way up and for some reason it made the game 1% more fun. I like shaky huds for some reason
It's... ok. I feel like it's yet another casualty of Modern Warfare Syndrome but the suit almost makes it worth it. Could have been so much more though.
Delorean did it look better than those Screenshots? I'm not a graphics whore but if the console version looks better than what my PC can do and I'm going to pay for a copy I'd get the better looking one off course.

Torrent is what I did Madster.
used44 said:
madster111 said:
Played the Demo.

Hated it.

Understandable, even though I really enjoy the multiplayer I'll admit it's not "everyone's cup of tea". Either because you just don't like it or you suck at it (I'm not implying you guys suck at it). There's nothing wrong with that but it does have that COD feeling type system.

Lethean said:
Delorean did it look better than those Screenshots? I'm not a graphics whore but if the console version looks better than what my PC can do and I'm going to pay for a copy I'd get the better looking one off course.

It looked about the same really, I'm with you I consider to graphics to just be icing on a cake not a deciding factor but I was honestly amazed by the visuals. The screenshots at first I thought were from the console, if you have a HDTV I'd recommend buying it for a console, I read that the PC version isn't getting much support from the company anyways but then again I read that from wikipedia so...

Lethean said:
Torrent is what I did Madster.
I tried finding a gif of a black girl doing the whole "ooh I'm gonna tell momma" thing but couldn't find anything.... So let's pretend I did
Think of torrenting as a Demo, without having companies lie to you through it.

Remember when the demo of Mirrors Edge was the shit?
madster111 said:
Think of torrenting as a Demo, without having companies lie to you through it.

Remember when the demo of Mirrors Edge was the s***?

Or the ME2 demo for the PS3 was a misrepresentation of the final product? Oh wait....Can't as easily download PS3 games :(.

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