Selling games at Blockbuster


Ok, so I already sold stuff to them before, and I know that you only get store credit, but I was just wondering 2 things:

1. Can you sell Game Boy Advance games to Blockbuster

2. Does Blockbuster sell Xbox 360s (not just rent out, but sell them)

Thank you.
No and No

I have not seen Gameboy Advance at sale in Blockbuster nor have I seen Xbox 360 there. Maybe different stores have different rules.
Ok, as I work at blockbuster, I can give you the answers you seek.

Blockbuster buys all current and last generation games. Depending on the blockbuster you go to will decided whether they buy back GBadvanced games.

No. Regular corporate blockbusters do not buy or sell system hardware. That's controllers, memory cards, or console units.

Blockbuster owned GAMERUSH stores sell only games and hardware, but they are still localized in florida and some southern states. I lived in florida and I didn't see one, which leads me to believe that the few GameRush stores must be on the east coast.

And there you have it.
One thing

I live in Philadelphia, and have never seen or heard of a GameRush store out here. Have friends in NY and Boston.
Dark_Legacy said:
Ok, as I work at blockbuster, I can give you the answers you seek.

Blockbuster buys all current and last generation games. Depending on the blockbuster you go to will decided whether they buy back GBadvanced games.

No. Regular corporate blockbusters do not buy or sell system hardware. That's controllers, memory cards, or console units.

Blockbuster owned GAMERUSH stores sell only games and hardware, but they are still localized in florida and some southern states. I lived in florida and I didn't see one, which leads me to believe that the few GameRush stores must be on the east coast.

And there you have it.
I see a few GameRush here on the West Coast...

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