Problem with comrade invite system.

Awhile back I was messing with the invite system with some other alt accounts. Instead of making myself look like more of a LUEser (lol get it... >_>) I decided to clear out the big_cow invite and when I did I got a message that I'm bitter enemies blah blah. Then when I back spaced I got another message I'm bitter enemies with optimus_crime... WTF? I didn't even see an invite from him, much less seen old optimus around the forums in awhile. So what's going on guys?
Oh gosh not another one of those LUEny topics where people intentionally misspell words with a certain similar sounding lettering!
Wont you use LUEbe next time? Hold on. I need to find a LUEcrative career. Heuy LUEwis had some excellent songs in the 80's. I suck at this game.
What the heck are you guys going on about? Stop being so LUEd and help Frodo_Bag_Feet with his problem.
Ok, hate to spoil all the fun here but after LUEking at the comrade system again I noticed some of my comrades don't have me in their comrade list. It'd be helpful if some of you guys could go through your lists and see if you also have this problem.

I'll see what's happening when you hit the back button or backspace too.

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