pc to console gamer

StalfrosCC said:
I enjoy the Half Life spinoffs so much more than I ever enjoyed that actual Half Life story.

Now Portal, CS and TF are bloody great but Half Life? Can't stand it.
One reason why I went from PC to console is because of pirates. My change was only recently, well that's not true, I was actually console first then went to PC and kept up with both, but now only console. A big moment for the change is the amount of pirates now-a-days.

I really wanted to get Call of Duty 4 for the computer (which I would have had to upgrade my current computer) but I didn't have the money to spare at the time of release. Couple months later I read about how people that bought the game legitimately could not play it at certain times of the day because people were using their cd key. My roommate downloaded a torrent and tried finding a "good" cd key to use too but gave up after about 100 times.

Paranoid? Maybe, but that actually happened when I first bought WoW (which I quit after a year). It was the only WoW copy left in the store and when I tried to make an account, it said the cd key was already used. Luckly I was able to take it back and exchange, although I had to wait a couple days until they got more in stock.
I have been a PC gamer because the hardware eventually paid off for itself and it ended up being cheaper than console gaming. I'm not going to explain that any further but I am sure some of you will figure out what Im getting at.

Now I am slowly making the switch to console gamer.

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