
A question ive pondered for years. Zoidberg on Futurama said, with way too much enthusiasm, that they taste like stale marshmallows. :p
Damn, I was wondering how long we could go with just 1 topic in the classic forum.

Well, some things man are just not meant to know.
A little half circle man eating dots getting chased bye multicolered ghost type things...Its crap,not just crap its craporoni,crapadoodledoo,crapenhiemer,
I honestly think it is little baby seals; I mean, what else could they be?

Or even better yet...who cares.

Why does a squirrel claw up trees?
Why does beer in bottles taste better than in cans?
Why is 80% of the xbox library not backwards compatible with 360?
Why do those Ritz Chips taste so good?
Why does anyone think they can beat a 60 troll shaman (with fury set)?
Why not?
Why did the Rolling Stones Half time show suck?
Why are super bowl adds so funny?
Why does Pac-Man eat little dots?

I could go all day...

The answer to all these is: because thats what they do

A Pac eats dots because thats what he/she does. Everyone has to have a goal in life, and the Pac's goal is to eat as many baby seals as they can in one day.
The dots are magic power pellets, they give him strength to eat ghosts and fruit.

At least, thats what I always thought.

Man, whoever came up with this game was smoking some good hash that day.....

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