|OT| Silent Hill: Downpour



Release date: March 13th, 2012
Platforms: PS3 & 360

Silent Hill: Downpour starts as Murphy Pendleton, the game's main character, finds himself lost and alone in the woods after his prison transport bus crashes near the town of Silent Hill. What happens after is up to the player as they traverse an all-new Silent Hill environment that is expansive, yet claustrophobic. And though this sleepy town may feel desolate, the player is never truly alone.

http://www.gamerevolution.com/screen/si ... ur-xbox360

http://www.gamerevolution.com/video/sil ... ur-xbox360

The game was originally supposed to be released for the holiday season but was pushed back until March. Better to hold off on something than to rush it! I know there are some Silent Hill fans here so share your thoughts on this game and some of your favortie in the series.
I'm actually looking forward to this one. Gotta admit, I was one of the thousands of fans who lost faith in the series after Homecoming, but Downpour actually looks promising enough. Inspired set-up, monsters and (potentially) characters, I don't see how this one could go too terribly wrong.
Granted, I did like the series a lot better when it was under Team Silent's helm. I don't know, it just seems like we Americans have problems grasping the required subtlety and ambiance that the series is known for.
I'll just give this one a rent this coming March and see how it goes.
Looks good. Nice and full of mentalists that will be suicidal.

I will honestly be too scared to play this. I haven't played a Silent Hill since The Room. And I only got to level 3 before quitting!

I may get the HD collection to get back into it though.
I just watched the first few videos of this guy's walkthrough. It looked fucking amazing!
I watched from the beginning through to the part where you get chased by the "vortex" in the Devil's Pitstop. And it was very exciting, actually made me want to buy this game!!

Are you saying it gets worse than that Wicked?
Oh, the game does a good job at capturing the atmosphere of Silent Hill. It's a good game for a die hard fan such as myself, but I can see why the game was pushed back.

There are quite a few glitches in the game and it still feels unfinished. The game gives you moments of choice which make you think it will impact the story, but no matter what you do, the same scenario plays out. For example, a girl is hanging from a cliff and you can choose to either leave her or help her. Leave her and she falls, help her and she still falls. I feel like they could've expanded so much on this idea but it doesn't offer much replay value when your actions don't even change anything.

Also, there is still way too much focus on combat. If you're going to implement action into Silent Hill you've got to improve the controls. Resident Evil 4 did an excellent job at changing up it's style to suit more action and combat. And while Downpour has improved its controls from its golden era, it still doesn't know how to perfect melee combat and third person shooting. Many fans agree that Silent Hill is better off with less enemies and focus more on the paranoia of waiting to get attacked like in the older games. But we're dealing with Americans now and they don't know the meaning of the word subtlety, lol.

Regardless of my criticism it's still a good game, albeit a flawed one. Perhaps my exceptions were too high?
Hmm, well I continued watching the walkthrough, and the number of "silent hill levels" had reduced massively! In fact I'm on part 22 and I've still only seen the one at the beginning!

And the enemies look fucking stupid!! They're not scary at all. The Screamers (or Samara) are pretty scary, but they're not "disturbing" scary like classic Silent Hill. No purchase for me.

(I flipped on that one huh ;))

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