Operation Nuclear

WickedLiquid said:
I really don't understand all this "shithole" talk. This place is what YOU make of it. If you call it a shithole, then it's a shithole. If you use it as a place for discussions then it will be just that.

And if you flood it full of 4Chan losers (yes, I called people losers on the internet and I'm aware of the irony, but come on, it's 4Chan) then it will become a haven for child porn and bestiality and God knows what else.

I said GR, not the forums. :)

I love the forums and think of them as a haven in this cold, cruel, child-porn-bestiality infested world we like to call internet. :D

Ways to make GR better --> make it black again! :(
What about just /v/ and /co/? If anything we'll get a few randos, but they may see the site as a place to chat about the things they like in a more personal manner (ie. not everyone is anon)
Plus, more people in forum games, more life in the less popular sections (nintendo, rpg, pc, etc) and we'll get at least a few quality posters out of it. People in /v/ aren't really the type to come in and spam cp and stuff. If anything, maybe a meme or two, maybe a umadbro, but it's nothing catastrophic if they know that this is a different site than 4chan. I say we give it a shot.
I just don't get the point of saying we need to pull a hari kari on this place. If you're not happy go away. I've thought of stopping my visits here, but there's always some conversation that brings me back. There are things I wish we were more into, but I'm starting to realize something....WE ALL HAVE FRICKIN' LIVES! I don't expect people to just jump on every little thing. I get distracted and miss topics, hell I still have a write-up somewhere on my laptop on the Killing Joke for my comic book thread. We're busy I get it. This is just someplace to kill my free time, not the Stonecutters' Lodge.
But if we do get flooded, it will pass, and the wreckage and legend of what happened to GR will pass on to other game websites, spark curiosity, and attract new people. And make shit interesting.
You know, in the end, 4 chan might not give a s*** about all of this and decides to go back to boxxy or whatever they masturbate to.

And we will all be a fool for posting in this thread.
miak757 said:
Or we could just make a whole new forum that we could all migrate to, maybe with the original GR design.

I'm all for it, but somehow I do not wish to abandon ship. :(
Seriously though, let 4chan in. Looking back pre '04, a lot of what made the boards fun was due to the idiots who are alot like the guys over at 4chan. I came back and this place is fucking dead. OPEN THE FUCKING FLOODGATES!
MattAY said:
Just do it. One million pounds says it makes no f****** diffference ;)

But the first 'lol u mad' i see, i expect that 1 million pounds.
You can pay it 10 quid a week if you want, for 1800 yeas.
Just saying... When 4 chan gonna do some rule 34 of Ugh, we will all regret this, you'll see!
Longo_2_guns said:
That's dumb. Forum invasions are SO last year.

Actually it was taken over by the IGN PS3 board a while back. But after a couple months everyone left and went back to IGN because it's so dead and sucky there.

It's a ghost town just waiting for someone to move back in.
Why would we leave our ghost town for another ghost town? I agree though, new peeps would be fun and it's definely up to us to find it since the website isn't pimping the forums. Still I can only imagine that there are lots of other websites more compatible to us then 4chan.
Its quite funny that a number of you are worried that 4chan regulars will even give a shit. Do you know how many, "raid this place guys!" topics get posted there every day? At the most you might get one or two people who are curious and check the site/forums out, then go back to whatever they were doing before hand after five minutes of browsing here.

madster111 said:
But the first 'lol u mad' i see, i expect that 1 million pounds.
You can pay it 10 quid a week if you want, for 1800 yeas.

Just to drop MattaY in it, lol u mad.

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