Open world Star Wars game incoming?


A team at EA Canada is working on an open-world Star Wars title, according to several recent job postings for the studio.P

An animation director job posting from last month reveals that EA Canada has a Star Wars team developing "a major new next gen open world action game." That does not appear to be a typo: while tweeting a link to a combat designer posting for a mysterious open-world title in September, the studio's then-recruiter said the unnamed game was indeed a Star Wars project.P

EA Canada is the third studio known to be working on a Star Wars game under Electronic Arts' current decade-long licensing deal with Disney. The other two studios, DICE and EA Redwood Shores (aka Visceral Games), are developing on a new Battlefront, and unknown title in the early stages of production, respectively.P ... 1472612003

I would love an open world Star Wars game. I always wanted to see a Star Wars RPG done by Bethesda or a sandbox SW game handled by any capable development team.
Calling it, Grand theft Spaceship: Tatooine.

In all seriousness, i could see a Skyrim look-a-like game with the force unleash type gameplay. Add some Jedi powers and some Sith plot, give some Jedi knight like leveling system and bam. You got a star wars game.

Waiting on Longo to burst in here saying skyrim sucks and planestscape is better, aaany minute now...
Considering EA holds a vicelike grip on all Star Wars IPs, expect it to be developed by someone who doesn't have a whole lot of experience making open world games. Especially after EA shut down Pandemic.

A Star Wars game like that is probably gonna happen. The hard part is the "capable dev team" aspect of it.
It won't work. I don't think it'll make a good game. I could be wrong, but with the Star Wars galaxy being so massive, it'd be hard to say "woooowwww, here's our open world! It's soooo big! Isn't it soooo big guys?"

IGN "It's quite big."
GameSpot "It's large."
GameInformer "We've seen it. It's really big."

I mean, I've been proven wrong by EA. I know a lot of people think they're big humungo dickheads, but I think they've made a lot of smart moves. They're not at the top of their game, but they could be doing worse considering how big the company has been and how it became a lot smaller over the past three-four years. PvZ Garden Warfare, for example, you could have told me about it before hand and I'd say "you're stupid." I think I did say that. I don't know.

Good Star Wars games please. Open world... or otherwise. Doesn't have to be anything specific like "shooter" but just make it good.
I agree with Daniel. I'm not entirely sure how an "open world" Star Wars game would work. The Star Wars universe is absolutely massive, filled with well written worlds, locations and alien races that a lot of gamers may not know about, due to their introduction and involvement in the extended universe.

Skyrim for example is a massive game and a massive world, but it's set in one country only in the world of the Elder Scrolls, that country being Skyrim. Star Wars however is... well, it's literally a universal scale.

That being said, I'd love to see a Star Wars Jedi/Sith game that plays similar to that of Skyrim or something... perhaps with the ability to go to multiple worlds and even space travel. The possibilities are endless but at the same time, every game has its limits.

But like Daniel said, we've all been proven wrong before, especially by EA Games. They might be able to pull it off and pull it off well, we'll just have to wait and see to find out. I'm looking forward to it.
I wouldn't mind seeing a next gen X-Wing/TIE Fighter game. I never really gotten into the whole Jedi stuff and Wedge doesn't need the force. The only open world Star Wars game out at the moment is the Star Wars mod for Mount and Blade:

If there is going to be an open world Star Wars game, hopefully it does a better job. :D
And threaten the swtor revenue? Yes that is how lucas art used to think, it's why they shut down galaxies before swtor released.

I do vote that I would love the idea of a skyrim engine star wars.

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