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Yeah tsunamis suck!

You're all probbaly waking up to hear this on the morning news soonish.

It's near Tokyo, and I was thinking of going there soon.

Some of the videos are epic too, you see the tsunami speeding across fields and approachign roads. And on said roads, cars are jetting it! ...and not making it!

PS - Daiben =shit in japanese
Is it weird that I'm actually a little worried about the artists of Naruto, Bleach and One Piece haha?
The one thing that's good about this for me is that the yen is falling, and I'm going to Japan in July.

So, yeah.
^ The west coast and the center. There's a fault line right smack dab in Missouri and it's a doozy. nothing is made to take an earthquake here, but there's no tall buildings around right....

Haha legend.

Over 1000 people dead now. Fuuuuck.
Also, an explosion at a nuclear plant! Not a nuclear explosion, but an explosion nonetheless!
Longo_2_guns said:
The one thing that's good about this for me is that the yen is falling, and I'm going to Japan in July.
This, except i have cars to import.

Hopefully the nuclear reactors will be fine.

I wonder if they'll rebuild to withstand 9 scale earthquakes, or if they're too rare to bother?
I feel bad. I went to Uni with an AWESOME guy from Japan, and apart from a short meet up when he visited London a few years ago, this is the first time I've spoken to him since. NIce to hear he's ok though, just makes me think I should keep better contact with friends.
If any of those reactors blow, there'll be a wave of radiation passing in a huge radius (talking thousands of miles). That means the west coast of the U.S. is in range, not to mention the millions of sea creatures in the ocean between here and Japan. Not a good sight so far.
Yeah, they aren't going to blow. There are so many safeguards in place, and the only thing that's getting blow up are the proportions of this thing.
Oh hideo Kojima...you bastard you...

They wont blow, but they will probably leak...which means even more damage over time though.
The backup cooling systems failed.

May sound serious, until you remember the entire point of the plants being built near the ocean is so they can use plan B - what they're using now.
Pump seawater into the reactors for as long as necessary.

There won't be a radiation leak large enough to pose any threat, but the damage to the reactors will be catastrophic and cost a metric fuckton to fix, or more likely, replace.
The amount of damage that DIDN'T occur with an earthquake of this magnitude is spectacular to me. Of course I am a civil engineer so the ability for man to create and build structures to withstand one of the most destructive forces of planet earth gives me a hard on.
So... who's ready to have a reactor built in their hometown in substitute for solar?
...Anyone?... anyone..

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