Not sure which console I should buy...

Well I have money now and I am looking for a new console!

Now I am undecided whether or not to get either a Wii, 360 or PS3.

I did have a PS3 before, but I sold it online, never had the chance to play it.

I currently have a 60" HD Widescreen TV that I will be able to play a console on. But unfortunately, that TV is far away from any internet connection, so online play would only be possible wirelessly.

Now I don't think the Wii is for me, I've been away from Nintendo too long to go back.

So its really down between the 360 or PS3.

I am leaning towards the 360, because I am a Halo fan, but I feel that the PS3 is more right for me and my current setup.

If I get the 360, I'll need to add on the wireless, and so the final price will be up around where the PS3 price range. Which makes me feel that I should get the PS3 since its more bang for my buck to get the wireless and blu-ray all together. I also have not played many PS2 games, so I could use the backwards capibility of the PS3.

So thats it, my question to you is, what should I do?
I think the PS3 would be better for your situation. Plus there are a lot of great PS2 games to play on it while you wait for newer games. However, a 360 would not be so bad, with more games out now and better online.
I say PS3.
If you have a PS2, don't bother gettinga PS3. If you don't have a PS2, then you could get a PS3 and load it up with a bunch of old titles and have hours of fun. But yeah, if not then just pick up a 360, it has much better games out now.
UrbanMasque said:
Sony's engine has sooo much more potential

gears of war is as good as it gets for 360.
I'm not really concerned about the power between the two, I know the PS3 is like a super computer, but will it ever be used to its full potential. Thats what concerns me a bit. And with developers stating that is costs them more money to make games on the PS3 because of how fast it is, it seems to me that developers are rushing things on that console.

Thanks for the input guys, I'm going to wait for more responses before I make my decision.
My opinion

I was in a similar delima as yours and I ended up choosing PS3 and I am very happy with all the games for both PS2 and PS3. As for the wireless I play my PS3 on the other side of my house opposite of my router and I see no problems at all. Great system for anyone who has an HD tv and wants to watch blu-ray HD format.
I had the same choice. I opted with 360 for many reasons.

reliable online that is fairly cheap considering what you're getting.
most of the titles I played most between ps2 and xbox are now going to be multiplatform like resident evil 5 and mercenaries 2.
Co-op and easy to play with other people.
a depature from the final fantasy rpgs. After playing so many and trying to play tweleve the graphics are great but the grind is nearly impossible to bare any longer.
The only othe game that appealed on the ps3 exclusive was MGS4. If rumors are true the 360 might get it eventually.
Most of all, I was able to get a HDTV multiple accessories like wireless headset and games with the console for the same price.

Games on x360 exclusive I'm looking forward to? Fable 2, Mass Effect, anything from bioware at this point, oblivion with downloadable content.

Don't get me wrong, I've been with sony for two generations of video games but...I felt this was a wiser choice...

360 for me.
Dark_legacy hit it on the head!

If you have never played online before then you know sonys online isnt as efficent as microsofts.

I strongly belive youll like xbox360 way more then the ps3. I have one and am very happy with it. I will be buying a ps3 soon as well. but mainly for the backwards compat. ability.
While I am currently being more and more whisked away by PC gaming as I build my own gaming rig, I would choose 360 in an instant. The PS3 is not vastly superior to the 360 in terms of hardware, they are literally neck and neck, and most games that have been released multiplatform are actually looking and playing better on 360 due to it being the easier platform to develop on. The 360 also actually has exclusives, PS3 has lost almost all of their big exclusives in the last year. And don't forget LIVE! 360 has superior online that will keep you hooked. Unless you really want to play all the old PS2 games and you really want your DVDs to look a little better, I would go with 360 in a heartbeat.
Guan_Yu said:
While I am currently being more and more whisked away by PC gaming as I build my own gaming rig, I would choose 360 in an instant. The PS3 is not vastly superior to the 360 in terms of hardware, they are literally neck and neck, and most games that have been released multiplatform are actually looking and playing better on 360 due to it being the easier platform to develop on. The 360 also actually has exclusives, PS3 has lost almost all of their big exclusives in the last year. And don't forget LIVE! 360 has superior online that will keep you hooked. Unless you really want to play all the old PS2 games and you really want your DVDs to look a little better, I would go with 360 in a heartbeat.

Unfortintly I have to disagree with his opinions. In hardware PS3 is no doubt supeiror while Xbox360 has a larger community which is in fact a big reason to buy it to play with friends.

I'll spare you the details not to bore you but when push comes to shouve in many aspects PS3 has better hardware. Take for an example Blu-ray which is being supported by blockbuster (not saying it will win the format war or not but it's lookin' good). One point I have to agree on is the PS3 is tough to devlop on but one big goal of sony is to increase its games by next year to a project 380 games, but of course Xbox has allready tons of games plus people who play them alleady. I'm not informed on all the exclusive deatails but if you know a game you like i'm sure it'll be on muiltiplatform because its making more sense to develop games for many platforms to broaden the the sales of a game (but thats my opinion, but come on! why wouldn't a studio want as many gamers as possiblle?)

For an example I'll take Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion who is on both PS3 and Xbox360. The game play is the same one both games but the difference is that since blu-ray has more disc space they could increase the graphic quality on the PS3 version (although I am not as informed on anyother multiplatform game because I have not played anyother game on both systems.)

Well Live certainly is interesting PS3's network is free! Seriously Live is only like what $50 a year and that isn't too bad. PS3's network is fairly simple and not that full of featrues. (but wait until home (home is PS3 Sims like world)) PS3 is being updated a lot and is gain fairly quickly some pretty cool features specaily if you love meda.
Thats a good argument, but at the same time Microsoft has secured exlusive titles on their system that are proven to be good for the most part. PS3 has it's first crop of titles coming in, and they LOOK impressive, but can they play the same way?
Jakethesnake summed it up pretty well. All I have to say is: Blu-Ray, Cell processor, music in games, price, three rings of death, great online, fair online, backwards compatability.
Thank you.

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