Not a crazy idea


Why don't you guys implement a feature that would allow the user to rate a game without reviewing it? Essentially it would be the same as the gamespot system, but you could either give it a numerical value (1-10), a percent(1-100%) or a grade(F-A+). Considering it's Game-Revolution, it would most likely be the grade system. Now I could just review a game, write nothing and just assign a grade, but that's no fun! What say you?
I think that system would be open to abuse. Look at some of the reviews we've got, but at least if someone gives a game a retarded grade there's either vindication for it or a paragraph of crap that lets people know that grade is not to be taken seriously. With the system you're proposing anyone could give any grade and give no justification.

^I think your mom is open to abuse. Snap, oh no I didn't.

I agree, I think it would be molested to death. There would need to be someway to stop people from being bitches. I say show the user that submitted the grade and then we can see if we care about their opinion or not.
It would only be abused if an average score of the submitted scores were calculated and shown beside... say the review of the game. You could have it so there is no average score and you just see what people rated certain games. Like in their profile it has games in their collection, perhaps beside each one of those games is their grade of it. So essentially the person would need to add it to their collection to grade it.
that sounds cool, or make requirements for grading games, like account join-date needs to be at least 1 year prior to grading games
Thats a bit too much though, I honestly think that regardless what happens it will be abused in the end. So I think were better off without it.
I think it's a good idea. And i don't see how it could be abused. People give a grade of F to a game? So what, they didn't enjoy the game at all, they felt it deserved an F.
it's not crazy, but gr is about the opinions of real gamers. forcing a fanboy to write 50 words about the game a- reveals the fanboys and b- stops them from just hammering on the A+ button all day.

in the future, user reviews that get higher user ratings will be weighted more heavily towards the average.

better rated reviews already currently count more towards your 'reviewer' medals. fanboy (or hater) garbage rated one star gets them nothing.

then, when the medal system is finished, it's going to be really cool, and it will earn you benefits both on gr and in real life.
I think that merely seeing a rating without any reasoning behind it is, in itself, just about one of the most useless things ever.

Oh sure, it looks useful on the surface. But let's say that all the people actually rate a game as they felt like it deserved (i.e. a mythical world without any fanboyism and hatred garbage... Man, I'd love this world. But I digress). That still tells me zit and squat about a game, other than that other people like it (or not). It really doesn't say anything beyond that, and that isn't a whole lot to be said.

For one thing, people tend to have a skewed views of ratings, though this is partially thanks to so many gaming magazines being completely unable to rate an average game 5 out of ten instead of 7.5 out of ten. And then some people actually understand that 5 out of ten means average, and two people who liked the game equally much will end up giving it two different ratings.

And the most important question isn't "Do you like this game?" anyway. As any reporter worth his salt should tell you, that's a crappy kind of question. The question should be "What about this game do/don't you like?"

And you don't have to give longwinded answers (like I do) to make an amateur review in any case. Just try to remember that grammar is there for a reason, and you can jot things down to one paragraph if you want to. Because guess what, you're not paid for doing it, so you don't have to be as deep in your analysis as they do. As long as you're putting it up here, it's safe to assume that people have read the official GR review anyway, which always includes an overview of what the game is about. So you can simply say which of those parts you liked or didn't like. That should only take a few minutes to write and proofread.

So, just answer the correct question, and leave the long-winded stuff to the ones getting paid, and silly fools like me who's simply got a writing itch.

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