

Ever have those nightmares, that aren't scary, violent or intense but just depressing? And they make you feel so horrible inside because of how depressing they were. Yeah, I had one of those.

My 6 year old cousin had some flesh eating disease that was slowly killing him and I had to put a bullet in his head to stop his suffering. Then after I shot him I got a call from his mother saying she just got an antidote to stop it and he was going be fine... then I woke up...

I looked up dreams to get a better understanding of what it meant. I read that dreams are random and make no sense however the type of dream represents your state of mind. Your mind never shuts down so if you're stressed or worried before you fall asleep, those feelings will transfer itself over to the dream.

So I guess I'm just stressed. But fuck man, I've been in such a shitty mood all day just because of the dream. I've never had a nightmare like that before. I've never had to do something like that, it's just usually about me trying to get away from somthing. I don't know, it was just fucked up. :cry:

Any of you guys have nightmares that have affected your day in a bad way? How'd you snap out of?
Well.,I just had a dream that I was chasing a rat inside an abandoned house, and then there was an old man that was trying to stop me from killing it. I don't know what state of mind I'm in.
Well, the dream itself is just a random scenario your mind has created through your own thoughts, experiences and creativity. The real meaning is how the dream made you feel. You don't want to kill a rat for no reason, but if you felt anxious to kill it, it means you were feeling anxious in general,. If you were angry at the rat, it means you were feeling angry in general, know what I mean?

But yeah, I guess the moral is don't sleep stressed out :? Because the stress will lead to a depressing dream.
I can remember two.

In one I was doing some kind of acupuncture experiment on my cat and I killed him. Of course, that struck me deep, and now I've promised myself that I'll never do anything to hurt him.

The other was about me trying to convince my brother to use some "magic scroll," or some crap that I found. He ended up becoming permanently blind, and right after, my mom burst into the scene saying "Don't let him use it! It'll blind him!" Kinda like your dream, Quid.

I think these things stem from my fear of being wrong. Realizing that stuff like this could happen, if I was careless, makes me want to think more about what I do and consider all of my options and their consequences.
Hmmmmm, I cant remember any.

The only thing close is having that weird dream where you imagine you're falling, then wake up with a mini spaz attack.
That's the closet thing I've had to a nightmare.

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