New Modern Warfare 2 Trailer

It looks great. I assume that that was the single player - how are they going to make the multiplayer any different from cod4?
They'll probably just improve on it like World At War did. 4 remade the online gameplay to be a lot of fun, WaW made it more intense, and I think MW2 will intensify things even more and possibly increase the number of people in the server. At least I hope it will.
multiplayer will also include special ops mode. Hard maps that you need a couple of peoples working as a team to complete.
letusprey said:
multiplayer will also include special ops mode. Hard maps that you need a couple of peoples working as a team to complete.
Which, as we all know, will suck.

Playing something that demands teamwork online, 9.9 times out of 10, you will lose.

*shudders* Resistance 2 co-op idiots.....

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