Nerd Collection


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Hey guys. I saw the recent revival of the PC thread so I thought I'd do a thread like this (forgive my ignorance if such a thread already exists). Who here has, or has had a bit of a nerd collection? You know, models, figurines, posters etc? If you've still got one or at least got photos of your past one, show 'em off!

I'll start off with mine. In all honesty, most of them are gifts - but I'm pretty happy with that.


Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood portrait picture thingo my friends got me for my birthday about four years ago. Well almost four years ago.


Here we've got the Normandy, Commander Shepard, the Cardboard Tube Samurai, Adam Jensen, Batman, the Joker, a hand made playdo Mario, Ghost Widow, Link, Kakashi, Mario and I think a LEGO figurine and Perfect Cell are hiding back there somewhere too. Off topic, that judo "encouragement" award was given to me after I had surgery due to an injury from training.


So here's Ezio, Dante and Connor, followed by some vinyl figures including Wiket, Batman Beyond and some of the Normandy crew of Mass Effect (Grunt, Commander Shepard, Tali, Garrus and Miranda). There's also an Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag steel mug thing.


Further down the shelf we've got the Modern Warfare 2 night vision goggles, Ash's Pokemon League hat, black suit Spider-Man, Axe Guy from Resident Evil 5, Admiral Ackbar declaring it's a trap and Pikachu.


Beside the shelf are two replica (fake) katana swords. One of them in particular, the white hilt sword, is Yamato, Vergil's sword from Devil May Cry.


At the bottom of the shelf lies the gun from Bayonetta, carrying the five star dragon ball, Batman's grappling gun and the original Nintendo zapper gun.


Spongebob apparently hates Mondays and so do I.


A home made Punisher t-shirt I made for a costume party back in 2010. Yes, those curtains are Goosebumps curtains.


A poster of Mass Effect.


At the top of my shelf are some cool figurines. Batman, the knight guy from Dark Souls II and finally Batman ready to drop the Joker off the ledge in a dramatic fashion.


This is my graphics tablet, a Wacom Cintiq, which I use for all of my digital drawing including the production of GR Strips.


My graphics tablet is very special to me because I got it signed by Mike "Gabe" Krahulik and Jerry "Tycho" Tolkins of Penny Arcade, when they visited Australia for PAX AUS last year. Yes. I bought my tablet with me for that occasion.
Wow, nice collection there Craigy!

I dont have near enough figures/posters like you do. I have L from Deathnote that I got free with some manga I bought, and that's about it!

(Along with 430+ manga books :))
Wow, those manga books sound epic, nice! :)

I have been collecting some comics too, mostly DC and Penny Arcade, but I've kinda made the move to digital regarding comics, so most of my comics are now on my iPhone or my iPad.
Haha, I should do that, would be such a space saver. I just dont want to. In all honesty, I hate the digital age. I love libraries (thanks to the Pagemaster), and the authenticity they give. I'd hate to see my whole collection in one tiny tablet.
I understand. There is something very cool about owning physical copies of the comics/manga... I would love that but man, they do take up space.
Impressive collection, Ugh! Nice man. I dig the lightsaber, the Hylian shield and the Master Sword. They're awesome.
I used to have the black version of your bookshelf thing man.

All my nerd shit is still in boxes because i couldn't be arsed unpacking.
I wanted that black shelf but I couldn't find one. Got the white one from Office Works for $99 AUD.

And then I found out the black ones are on sale at Crazy Clarks for under half that price.

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