My top 200 favorite games of all time

You missed out on a lot of good RPG's. Considering Earthbound isn't even in the top 25 I'll guess you might not be a huge rpg fan? Lufia series, secret of evermore, illusion of gaia, breath of fire series and dragon quest/warrior series are all missing from that list. Oh well!
RPGs are my favorite genre and it's not even all that close. I just wasn't impressed by Earthbound.

Although for what it's worth I got twenty hours into it and then my save disappeared. I wasn't impressed by what I saw so I decided I'd rather just scrap it than play those twenty hours again and then beat the game. I had every intention of beating it until my save disappeared.

I'd call it okay, but no more than okay.

And incidentally breath of fire is next on my queue of games to play! My boss is a big fan.
It's not like you can really dispute a list like this. It is what it is, you might disagree but I'm not trying to rank the greatest games ever, I'm just ranking my favorites.

If I was ranking the top 25 greatest NBA players ever or something then that could definitely open up venues for debate but with a list like this you just sort of look at it and give opinions and thoughts. Of course everyone is probably going to have a couple significant disagreements with it but hey.
I can call you an idiot for having a bad taste in games, however. And I could probably back that up with evidence.

But I won't, because you really don't. For the most part.

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