My new thing


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New SNES! It's in crazy great shape with two perfect controllers.

I've got two games already, Super Street Fighter II and Super Mario World. I've got more in the mail including Star Fox, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest, Super Mario Kart, Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball, Super Mario All-Stars, Killer Insinct, and F-Zero.


Looks great on my 52"!
Yeah dude. I looked for a long time avoiding yellowed out consoles.

If anybody wants, I can post the eBay listing. The seller has more available and I can vouch for their awesomeness. $50 plus $15 shipping though. Worth it!
I contacted this person directly and grilled them on the quality, specifically regarding any discoloration. They've since updated their listing to include the promises they sent me. No yellow, possible scratches, etc. But I was still floored by the quality.

So I can't vouch for any console you buy, but I can say that mine is awesome and this person was super good at communicating with me.

I'll post it when I get home.
It looks so good and the non-yellowed consoles are so hard to find. Most of them have ended up in the hands of people who know what kind of value they are. I definitely don't want a slim SNES because that's not "classic" enough for me, but I was so pissed to see the yellow when I opened the box mine came in.
Looks awesome, nice find!

Every time I turn on my PS3 I wish I could play street fighter 2 with someone who does not play street fighter 2 every second of their life. I suppose the nostalgia works on the SNES but we can't play!

One day Used... one day... we will play street fighter and fulfill our destiny.


But you'll have to call me..... nighthawk.
Hmm, he's got an NES and a Genesis for sale but no more SNES currently. I'll keep you posted.
Yes, please post this. Most of my family's games and SNES console was burned away in the house fire. I remember it completely. It was 1996 and I was five years old. My brother and I sneaked down stairs to play Mortal Kombat on the SNES. All of sudden I saw smoke come out of nowhere. Anyways, we still have on NES, but we're missing a power adapter for it. Our SNES on the other hand, RIP.

So yes, used, please post the link for this. It might take me a few months, but I would like this. Nostalgia is overcoming me. Also, is just console or does he give couple games away with it as well?
There's hundreds of others on eBay though. It's not like I found the ONLY quality refurbisher, just a very good one. Just look your damn self.

Some bundles include games but this one did not.

Just won LTTP for $14, by the way!
De-Ting said:
Haha. See, you have to pay for all that stuff, when I still have it.

Same here I still love to plug it in and play some classic games like mario kart, Donkey Kong, and Metroid.
De-Ting said:
Ugh's grammar is nostalgic, too.

used said he's currently out of SNESs.
I didn't read that part. Sorry, De-Ting, I try improving both grammar and literature.

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