My awards have a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R

I wanted Social Network to win, I absolutely was blown away by that movie, I don't care what anyone says. But I feel that since it was a movie about facebook people see that the movie isn't deserving of a oscar or it would be dumb to say that this was a phenomenal movie. Of course it wasn't going to win because the academy just loves anything about foreign people, homosexual characters (not that there's anything wrong with that), or something about diseases (even though 50/50 was shafted). Like wicked said I wish there was an award show for the middle where great films like Attack the Block can get recognition.

More proof the Oscars suck, how does Tron Legacy and Scott Pilgrim get snubbed last year for special effects but Here After gets nominated? Though I should state I've never seen Here After
King's Speech was indeed a great movie but no where near the best of 2010. Inception, The Social Network, 127 Hours, Black Swan, True Grit, Kick Ass, Scott Pilgrim, Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon were all better movies. Like I said, King's Speech was awesome, but it was a good year for movies and there were a lot more that I thought were better.

And I agree 100% with Delorean. I'm going to make an Academy Award winning picture! It'll be a silent black and white movie about two gay Japanese cowboys with AIDS eating pudding. The moral of the story will be that humanity is fragile.

*prepares his acceptance speech*
I think you two are being a little too harsh on the Artist. It wasn't a tailor made film with Oscar bait actors and script. It was an artsy French film with no known actors aside from James Cromwell and John Goodman that was eventually picked up by Harvey Weinstein who upped its exposure. It was a truely artistic film. If you want pretentious, tries too hard drivel look elsewhere. Like The Wrestler.

Want to talk about unworthy best picture winners? Shakespeare In Love.
WickedLiquid said:
Inception, The Social Network, 127 Hours, Black Swan, True Grit, Kick Ass, Scott Pilgrim, Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon were all better movies.
Hold on, I'm trying to find the best laugh track to fit this joke...
No, just you, Wicked. But seriously, these are the Oscars, not the People's Choice Awards, this is an awards show decided by a bunch of old men who don't go for highest grossing or largest following, they're not even looking for the movie that has the biggest impact.

Back on topic though. I'm mad Drive got snubbed. Because of that movie I will never be able to fully enjoy Defending Your Life. I will never see Albert Brooks the same again. Ever.
You do know my taste in movies is what I prefer, not what I think everyone else should prefer... For example The Tree of Life is an amazing movie which I enjoyed a lot, however I had more fun with Attack the Block and therefore I like that movie slightly more.

But at least we can all agree the Oscars were pretty lame this year.

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