My awards have a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R

The only movie I saw on that list was Moneyball.

If I ran the Oscars X-Men first class would win best picture. And grumpy men everywhere would snear in their monocles over on Park Place.
LinksOcarina said:
Did The Muppets win best Original Song?

Seriously its the only thing I cared about.

That seems like the only thing my mom cared about. Of course it won. The only other song nominated was "Real in Rio."...But it's The freaking Muppets. How could it not win.
Funny... i always thought 50/50 was way more of a oscar bait then The artist. But both are great wonderful film never the less. If you are avoiding both films because of that notion, you are doing something wrong.

Now the help? Not only it's pure oscar bait material, it's also a piece of S***. George takei said it best on his facebook page.
Have yet to see The Artist, I'll catch it on Redbox. Babysitters cost too much.

Also, a win for Bret McKenzie is a win for the world. Go Muppets!
LinksOcarina said:
I don't mind the Artist.

It's just oscar bait, plain and simple. The type of film designed to win awards and give a false sense of magic and nostalgia.

Wait, you're not talking about Hugo?

Seriously, that's why both of those movies won so many fucking awards. The Academy has always had a boner for itself, and they like movies that portray Hollywood and movie-making in a good way.
He didn't help so I'm not going to mention him. But if Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor was up for an award, I'd mention them both.
I thought The Tree of Life was robbed from the Best Cinematography and Best Motion Picture of the Year awards. They don't call it the modern day 2001 for nothing.
Sea-Change said:
I thought The Tree of Life was robbed from the Best Cinematography and Best Motion Picture of the Year awards. They don't call it the modern day 2001 for nothing.

Politics play too much of a role in the Oscars, and press as well. Movies that get released early in the awards season (a la right now, after the oscars have happened and long before any other awards are given out) tend to get screwed because they lose all momentum before the nominating season commences. That's why a movie like "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" can beat out a much better movie like "Drive" when it comes to being nominated for shit.
NickKmet said:
Sea-Change said:
I thought The Tree of Life was robbed from the Best Cinematography and Best Motion Picture of the Year awards. They don't call it the modern day 2001 for nothing.

Politics play too much of a role in the Oscars, and press as well. Movies that get released early in the awards season (a la right now, after the oscars have happened and long before any other awards are given out) tend to get screwed because they lose all momentum before the nominating season commences. That's why a movie like "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" can beat out a much better movie like "Drive" when it comes to being nominated for s***.

That is my general opinion of most awards shows. When it is fresher in the mind, more people are likely to vote for it. Not to mention that I'm sure more than half of the voters haven't seen all the films, and vote based on friends and general chatter. I'm sure there are also more than a few shady deals done in exchange for votes.

Media bias plays a huge role as well. Of course Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close earned several nominations or winds (I haven't checked results, I don't intend to). How daring is that, to set a movie against something like September 11th. Its pandering and easy wins at the Oscars.

Good films come few and far between, and most often don't receive the proper accolades they deserve while other piles have the praise heaped on to cover the stench.
NickKmet said:
LinksOcarina said:
I don't mind the Artist.

It's just oscar bait, plain and simple. The type of film designed to win awards and give a false sense of magic and nostalgia.

Wait, you're not talking about Hugo?

Seriously, that's why both of those movies won so many f****** awards. The Academy has always had a boner for itself, and they like movies that portray Hollywood and movie-making in a good way.

See its funny, Hugo is the kind of movie I didn't expect to be nominated for best picture. I thought it was a great technical movie, but not the best in terms of story honestly.

That said, that kid is going places. I believe he is next going to be Ender Wiggim.
Chris_Crime said:
Lethean said:
Was it as hilarious as the first episode?
Even better, actually. Not a slow start like last season.

Yeah I found season 2 pretty funny but it definitely took a while to get where it was going and I felt when they introduced Don Johnson it lost some of it's momentum. That whole bit felt a little "meh" to me. Maybe it's because I've watched season 2 a couple times already.

As for the Artist, it was definitely one of the best films of 2011 but honestly, it's more of the same with the Academy. You can pretty much predict what will be nominated by the end of the year and be spot on. 13 Assassins was a great film worthy of a nomination, at least for best foreign film. From a critical standpoint - Not just me busting a nut over it's awesomeness. And if "Extremely Loud &Incredibly Close", which wasn't that well received is nominated (45 percent on Rotten Tomatoes) why were films like "Warrior" shunned? Or Coriolanus? It seems it has to have just the right amount of box office pull or media exposure - Not too much it's overly "Hollywood" but not too little that people don't care lest it be too "indie". It also has to have some central theme that when nominated the Academy can show how progressive and open minded they are. While shunning many types of genres.

I donno...I got over actors congratulating themselves through fake smiles a while ago. I'll only tune in if Hugh Jackman hosts....Pair Hugh Jackman with Kate Beckinsale and I'll even go on about how awesome the Awards were even if they sucked.
I've heard that the Artist is a good movie but since it's a silent film I just feel like prestigious assholes will say it's the best movie out there because it's "so different". Yeah it's different and was a ballsy movie to do but at the same time just cause it's a silent film the academy will jizz all over it. There were other movies that should of gotten recognition, and hasn't meryl streep won enough awards? Does she need four shitters in her house?

I missed the oscars I didn't care about it like I did last year, I was walking dead with some buds instead
The Oscars is one of the worst things to happen in Hollywood. The celebrities who show up are given so much free crap, enough to let a family in poverty live comfortably for a few months. Then they're judged by a group of men in the academy with egos vast beyond that of a 16 yr old internet troll.

And people care more about awarding these celebrities than they do about awarding the greatest scientific minds on our planet. Who is out there working on a cure for cancer? I dunno but I can tell you what Meryl Streep is wearing.

I know we have alot of movie lovers on GR but The Oscars aren't worth the discussion IMO. What about last year, did anyone see The King's Speech? I haven't. But according to the academy it's the BEST picture of 2010... Maybe I'm just not hipster enough. These movies were made for people who want to watch a movie before it wins the oscar and becomes cool.
I adored the King's Speech. It was definitely the best movie from that year.

Of course, I love history stuff, and it was directed by a guy trying to be as historically accurate as possible.

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