Mrs. Krabappel is no more.

Optimus-Crime said:
If it weren't for you guys I'd never have known The Office was a thing. :|

As a Simpsons fan you owe it to yourself to start watching season 2 of The Office

Do you see it? DO YOU SEE IT?

...and this is NOT a gif ok guys. Pics are not off limits.
Yeah. I know about the love shared back and forth between the two shows (in time for Halloween)
but I was just completely out of The Office loop.

It's kinda fun making those "Wow, I didn't even know that show was still on the air?" kinda statements once in a while, because people say that about The Simpsons all the fucking time. WE GET IT. YOU DON'T WATCH THE SIMPSONS. I DIDN'T WATCH YOUR SHIT, EITHER. YOU DON'T SEE ME TELLING THE WORLD ABOUT IT EVERY OTHER DAY AND NIGHT.

except for here, now
Since Simpsons episodes are written and voice acted months before they air. I wonder if we'll see episodes with her in it all season?
WickedLiquid said:
Since Simpsons episodes are written and voice acted months before they air. I wonder if we'll see episodes with her in it all season?
She's confirmed to still be in this season.
Goddamit when did Canada get so fucking awesome?

When's the Simpsons channel gonna start? The series is getting *that long* it's filled up several days worth of watching at this point right?
Tonight was the one where her and Skinner hook up. So hilarious. I don't know what'll be next but I know this week they have to show the one where she gets into a Catfish relationship with Bart Simpson haha.

And yeah it would take a long time to watch every episode. There's over 500 now right? That's over 250 hours. By the time you're done Aron Ralston had already cut off his arm a week ago.
I saw Principle Skinner and Mrs. Krobapple in the closet making babies, and I saw one of the babies, and one of the babies looked at me!
Today was two hours of Krabappel episodes, including the marriage to Flanders and her raising the kids in a non-Christian way. Only saw half of it as the game between the Leafs and Bruins was on but it was pretty good.

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