Movies you love (that you probably shouldn't)


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What are done movies that, despite being terrible or stupid or downright miserable, you can't help but love?

In the movie thread I mentioned how much I loved the Purge: Anarchy, which was predictable and stupid, but at the same time was one of the most entertaining action movies I've seen, and the best Punisher movie ever (even though it starred Crossbones).

Another one from me would be Major Payne, a Wayans brothers film from the 90's that is incredibly stupid, but it makes me laugh still.

Also, the Miami Connection, though so bad that it's good movies are very different.

What about you?
Bad cheesy action movies.

I'll watch almost any Jean-Claude Van Damme movie like Street Fighter, Double Team, Blood Sport etc.

Movies like these are generally the ones that get really bad reviews, but I like 'em.
I know someone is going to mention Independence Day, and I'm here to say, "Don't."
^ I was going to say that...but then I thought that film is BRILLIANT! ;)
Longo_2_guns said:
What are done movies that, despite being terrible or stupid or downright miserable, you can't help but love?

Another one from me would be Major Payne, a Wayans brothers film from the 90's that is incredibly stupid, but it makes me laugh still.

Major Payne is a fucking comedy classic, not terrible or stupid at all.

But mine has to be the 80s movie Howard the Duck. It gets a shit ton of hate online, by people who've never even seen the movie no less, but it's actually, still, one of the comfiest movies I've ever seen.
I unironically love Con-Air. There's a real chance that it's the movie I've seen the most times, which, yeah, might be a little sad I guess.
Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell.
Lady Ninja Kaede 2.

Your welcome...and I'm sorry. Truly sorry lol.

Oh, can't forget...


Seriously, go watch that. Now. It's only like 20 minutes.
I remember growing up loving A Goofy Movie (i was in love with Roxanne basically!)

Probably isn't a BAD movie, but I've always felt not many people have seen it compared to other Disney films.
UghRochester said:
Batman (1966)

Surely you can't mean the gloriously cheesy and campy Adam West Batman! It had everything, including some of the best riddles out there. It's a movie everybody should love.
I'm just posting what relates to the topic. When I was a kid, didn't realize how cheesy everything was until I watched the TV shows and the movie as an adult. Still love them. I guess this was a bad example. How about "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li." I don't love the movie, but I do like it.

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