Movies based on games


I didn't know if this would be more suited in misc or general gaming but since it's about video games I put it here. Besides if I'm wrong I know I'll be immediately told

Anyways a buddy of mine and I were actually talking about this today, we both understand that when it comes to video game adaptations on screen Hollywood fails to a huge degree. The only video game movie that I don't remember hating was Prince of Persia (on a 1-10 scale I'd give it a 5 or 6). Now it's understandable why it fails cause games and movies are two completely different mediums that tells stories in two completely different ways and it's hard to tell one's story in the other's format.

That being said we were trying to think of a list of games that if Hollywood got the perfect actors, writers, directors, effects and all that these games because of their story and universe would/could make awesome movies if done perfectly right. So if in this hypothetical situation I thought Half Life, Bioshock, Halo, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto IV and Assassin's Creed could make awesome movies if done right. Though I think GTA and Assassin's Creed might have to be like HBO miniseries to better tell the story

What games would make awesome movies if done right in your opinion?
God Hand, if done by someone who keeps a lot of the charm of it.

Or I really think someone could make a good Ace Combat 0 game. Like, follow Galm 1, give him no name other than Galm 1 and Cypher and sort of make him a stoic but likable character. Show people like PJ and Pixy influencing his actions, show him dogfighting, and of course explain Strangereal to the audience. And the whole thing could be made like a half-documentary, like District 9 was.

And yeah, I think a lot of games would make better TV series than movies. Like Assassin's Creed or GTA are good examples of that. Or games with set universes without much of a set characters, like Sins of a Solar Empire could be done in a Star Trek/Battlestar Galactica sort of say, or Demon's Souls or something. I dunno.
"If done right" any story driven game would be great as a movie. Problem is they will never illicit the same feel or emotion that u get while playing it so no movie will live up to the game experience.
Affen said:
Professor Layton would make into a great movie... OH WAIT! There is one and it was great.

And now they're making a game with him and Phoenix being the main stars!

'kin Spyro the Dragon mate.

Get Disney on that!

Also, Devil May Cry would massively rock.
The Saboteur would be cool. (just watched The Debt, I think it would look like the same kinda flick).

Portal could be a sick action/mindbender - if done right.

I'd also watch Mirror's Edge, no matter how bad I expected it to be.


I think this movie could be sick, but as much as I like Jamie Foxx - I think these video game movies should keep its original character descriptions if it wants to keep some credibility.
danielrbischoff said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Red Dead Redemption...I'm out.
I would love a Red Dead Redemption movie... if it was done right. That game had such a good story.

Isn't Red Dead Redemption based on Westerns like the Dollars trilogy and those were based on Akira Kurosawa movies? So what we need now is a Japanese movie based on Red Dead Redemption and the circle is complete.

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