Movie credits

Do you watch movie credits?

  • I don't

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  • I do

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  • Sometimes

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When y'all finish watching a movie, do you keep watching until the credits have rolled?

It doesn't matter if I'm watching at home or in the theater, I watch all the way through. One, you see some interesting things in the names and jobs. Two, it provides a relaxing period to conclude the movie, sitting, listening to the music and turning the movie over in your head. Three, it is respectful to all of those who invested time and effort into the film just watched, as they are a part of it.
I will watch them if I am in the theatre and I want to wait for the rush to the exits to finish.

If I am watching a really interesting program at home I will probably watch them as well but I wont read just any credits.
I always watch the credits at the end of Tarantino movies, but that's about it.

Though I did enjoy the music that played during the credits of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.[/b]
I usually don't. But sometimes like I'm too comfortable to move then I will, but I'm usually half asleep so that doesn't matter anyways. I will watch the credits of The Lion King though because my third grade teacher's daughter helped design Moufassa and is in the credits.
Yes. Very often I do. Sometimes to view the cast, sometimes to view the soundtrack information, and other times for reasons Ted pinned.
I picked sometimes.

It all depends on if the movie has a good score.. movies like Jurassic Park, Lost Highway, or any of the first 6 Star Trek movies, which all have such awesome music, I would watch the credits (read: listen to the music) all the way.
If it's got some crappy "popular" music I hate, I'll shut it off as soon as the end credits start.
Sometimes. It depends on if there's extra footage going on, there's good music, or the movie/ending was so good, that I have to just sit in awe for a moment

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