Mirror's Edge 2 no more


This may have been in a manifesto but I never saw it but:

Mirror's Edge 2 is cancel apparently or maybe just for now. Sad the first game was great, never finished it but I got it from blockbuster meaning only five days and I was in a shooting mood but I wanted the no gun achievement so I had a tough time playing it. But I feel if I went back maybe I realize if it's a great game or not. But is this saddening to anyone here? Honestly I got other game series that I'm focused on but it's a little bummer to see a good game not be continued but did Mirror Edge really need a continuance? Maybe... Maybe not...
Yeah, good riddance. First was almost a neat concept, but a bad game really.
Mirrors Edge 2 is one of those things where they could've improved greatly on the flaws of the first. But probably not. And now we'll never know.
All I remember from playing Mirror's Edge was me yelling two things: "WHY IS EVERYTHING WHITE?!" and "WHY DO I KEEP FALLING?????"
This is terrible news.

I forgot about this game was in development, but I had faith in EA to make a better story and to polish out the mechanics to make a solid title that would wow audiences. But they could've done anything to it, but all I wanted from Mirror's Edge 2:

I wanted 6-man free-for-all games of Tag.

Just think about it.

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