Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2


I haven't heard anything about this game. It dropped today, and no one has any reviews. I was a huge fan of the first one, so I'm wondering if this one will be any good. Anyone picked it up yet? Anyone interested?
Yeah, I'm also curious about the lack of fanfare for this. I greatly enjoy the first MUA, and the related Xmen Legends games.

I've got a pretty epic playthrough of Mass Effect going, so I don't think I'll pick this up just yet. Expect me to have Scribblenauts by dinner, though.
My friend just picked up the game.

I can certainly tell you the voice acting is pretty good and the graphics are fantastic.
So apparently it's a pretty good game, mostly just improving on the original (which was a winning formula).

Apparently though, it is filled with bugs that make the game almost unplayable. Disappointing, especially from a game of this stature.
I'm definitely gonna put time into it, but that is kinda sad to hear about the bug issues. Especially for how long this game has been in production.
I wanna know about the char diversity. Are all the skills basically the same like in MUA1 or more diverse like XML1 & 2?
Why is Juggernaut a d/l char? He's really the only guy I want to play.
The jist of all the reviews so far is that it has better graphics & story, but the RPG elements are stripped down from the original. Still, it's probably a lot of fun to play with co-op with friends.
The first one was fun, but why couldn't they include the opening CGI into all the cut scenes??? The cutscenes stank with boring text and horrible voice acting.
I got it so I could play with three friends that played the original.

1) Voice Acting Sucks. Its just bad. You do have a lot of talent, but the voices don't match the characters.

2) The PS3 and 360 versions have surprisingly few characters, thus our fond nickname "Ultimate Alliance 1.5. But when you realize its an Activision game, expect DLC character packs for $5 in a month.

3) If you like beat 'em ups, its a fun game and there are characters for every play style.
Tanks: Thing, Hulk, Luke Cage
Strikers: Wolverine, Deadpool, Iron Fist
Controllers: Storm, Invisible Woman

Basically if you have some friends that want to kick some ass, have fun. Just be careful with the attribute upgrades. Only one character can get them, so you want to balance it out.
I wish the Marvel license could go to Squre Enix. Then we'd get an RPG Marvel game with an amazing story instead of these RPG games that aren't up to par with the Marvel Universe.

Then it can go back to Capcom and we'll get MvC 3!!

and while I'm dreaming I want a big secluded cottage right by a big lake with a large Pontoon boat.
As I've played more of the game, it is a lot of fun, but there are a number of similar abilities amongst the characters that make them seem like clones and also takes away some of the fun when playing with others. You don't need Hulk and Thing on a team together unless you're doing training missions. Worse, melee characters will be fighting to see who gets to attack the grunt first.

Then there are some abilities which hinder other characters. Jean Grey has a telekinetic pull. This is a great ability, but not if you are playing a melee class like Wolverine or Iron Fist, because her pull happens faster than their attack.

Likewise, the game is a bit glitchy. Certain powers won't lock on to an enemy, even if they are right in front of the character, instead hitting one off screen. Worse, there are charge moves, where the character rushes forward to attack an enemy. If another player or a piece of debris is in the way, the attack won't connect.

Also forgot to mention: some of the alternative costumes are great (Iron Fist is Ancient Chinese, Hulk is Red Hulk), but others REALLY suck ass, especially given the options.

Deadpool's alternate is him without a mask. Really? You couldn't have just given him the Marvel Girl costume, or the Black and Orange X-Men style costume?

Penance? Its Bobby with only pants, as seen when he was in prison. No Speedball for you.

Storm? No Mohawk, no awesome silver costume from the cartoon. No, its a white version of her current costume, but showing midriff.

The worst? Wolverine. With the hundreds of possible costumes to choose from (Patch, Weapon X, Samurai, Old-School Orange, Old Man Logan, AoA, etc.) they give you the black and yellow Ultimates costume.
I bought it and beat it. It's a good game but not worth the money. Rent it for a weekend and you'll have as much fun as I did at only a fraction of the price. And you'll still beat it!
i rented it. it was addicting but i'm glad i didnt' buy it. you've gotta put up with lame cutscenes that you can't skip. the heroes all look cool and blowing the crap out of everything with jean grey is a good time but it gets old fast. it'd probably be a lot more fun on co-op but i couldn't find anyone outt've the one friend i have who wanted to play with me. but what the hell do they know?

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