
StalfrosCC said:
Longo_2_guns said:
StalfrosCC said:
SEO Value?

Trippy, you really are "the man" aren't you?
Remember in Aliens the one guy who wasn't a marine that went with them or the robot in Alien who both tied to take the alien to be a weapon. That's what Trippy is like.

Yeah, I get that vibe from Trips. Like he is our buddy, he is "with us" in a sense, but when the s*** turns cold he is going to be the one pushing the buttons.

The button pusher.

For the record, I have no real control over anything. I can only make recommendations and edits and then have to ask for those changes to be pushed live. So far most of my work has been in to certain page titles (the homepage title is all me), that content on the bottom of review and cheat sections, and a few other minor things here and there. SEO is a long, and complicated thing to go over, but the reason I asked is not to get rid of the GR Mailbag, but instead to get rid of the pagerank going to there since it hasn't been updated in almost a year, and doesn't drive traffic to the site anyways.

I can't say certain things, but I share many thoughts with you guys on certain subjects that I would love to share with you guys in the future. I really like GR, and hey, it makes me feel good when something I did makes the site rank in a search engine.

But I will take the nickname, and I have thought about secretly changing content in certain pages. Then I realize I would probably get fired so I only do what I'm supposed to.
I'm in the podcast because Duke adopted me a few weeks ago so he could claim to have a child but not have to go through the annoying phases of when kids are little shits.
Longo_2_guns said:
I'm in the podcast because Duke adopted me a few weeks ago so he could claim to have a child but not have to go through the annoying phases of when kids are little shits.

yep. it's true.

trippy, i don;t know the seo value, but people do love them some mailbag. ive got enough decent ones for a new bag, so i'll try to get to it this week. we used to get a lot more mail when all our bylines were just a mailto: link. now that they got to the profile page, fan/hate/retarded email has died off considerably.

Thanks for the heads up Duke. It will give us a chance to track mailbag traffic and see its value to the site and evil overlords.

I just realized the Mailbag has a unique logo. Alt tags here I come!
Please..never stop the mailbox again!
i STILL lol after reading the runescape "go and get hos make them pay you 50 gp a week and say you will take care of them" cheat.
It actually DOES work!

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