Let's Generalize Fanboys!

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TheNesMan said:
Wait a second..there's no such thing as a duke nukem fanboy!

Haha, my dad sort of was, for a while. His favorite game franchises ever are Duke Nukem, Doom, and Wolfenstien.
Street Fighter fanboys:
Ryu and Ken: Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! (continue until someone messes up and finally gets hit.)

Mortal Kombat fanboys:
You can kill people! OMG IT'S SO GORY! I LOVE IT!

Dead or Alive fanboys:
*fap fap fap*
Its all about graphics. The gameplay could be unplayably bad for all I care, if the graphics are great the game is great. End of story. End of story.

Sony totally does not steal from Nintendo! Its only a coincidence that they added analog sticks, rumble, and motion after Nintendo already did to great success.

... f**k it, even we admit they're slipping.

We do too have games! Look, Diablo 2! That's a hardcore game. Right? Wait what do you mean recent games? How long its been out doesn't- OH GOD WHY CAN'T WE PLAY ANYTHING ANYMORE
F.E.A.R 2 fanboy:

This is the best gam...wait..WTF is THA..AHHHH [shoots a full clip of ammo at the wall] AHHH HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIT!!
..oh..oh...it was just a shadow..oh..oops.
Wait.. Why are my pants wet..?...ooh. Damn.
Maybe i should clean myself up an ..AHHH OH SHIT [gets killed by the real enemy while trying to reload]
Damn it. That's the 4th time that's happened.
Forza, Gran Turismo, etc players only play racing games, all day long. They all smoke cigarettes too much and talk about exotic cars that they've never even seen in real life.
Insectavamour: im guna ent3r these forumz and insult every1 i can becuz thats teh cool thing to do if u wana get likd
schimmel said:
Insectavamour: im guna ent3r these forumz and insult every1 i can becuz thats teh cool thing to do if u wana get likd
Love it, the incorrect grammar puts a great sense of entertainment to my eyes!
Glad you liked it Rochester. It brings a smile to my face when I can make others do the same :)

And Insect, I'm just playing with you man, no worries. I'm a hypocrite, a cynic, and sometimes a complete asshole. You calling me any of the above is like saying the sun shines. I'll back off when you have some more posts under your belt and you've calmed down a bit.
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