Learning to let go


So tired.
Letting go. This is a constant struggle for me. For most, April offers a sense of renewal and rebirth. But for me, it is an ongoing, never-ending reminder that some stuff in life has to end. And so it is that with a heavy-heart I have to say goodbye to one of my most trusted and reliable friends, my '97 Rodeo.

Seriously, this sucks. I have not had a car (for my own car, I have one for the wife's) payment for 10 years! And the Rodeo was the freakin' beast of burden that got me from point A to point B without complaint, without problems or delays. I have had to fix nothing of dire nature in 10 years on this thing and then it had a full body meltdown that would've cost 4 times the current value to fix. And no, it's not even worth getting the parts and doing it myself. So goodbye dear friend, may you find happier trails elsewhere as I search to replace you with some piece of crap that will inevitably disappoint me in ways I never imagined because of a decade of amazing service.
Yeah yeah... bye bye over sized car with horrible mile per gallons. Now you know what you need instead? Here let "Crazy" Lien pick one for ya!
Welcome to Lien's Krasy Kool Kar lot!

Now look at this baby. It's a A bitchin' Camaro!

The real American car! Not impressed? YO "grandpa"! Do your thing! That girl got quite the history with that man, know what i mean? *wink wink nudge nudge*. You want the ladies to swarm over you like Korean zergs on a noobie playing the protoss the first time? Then you NEED this baby and... What?... oh you're married... hehe sorry kid...

huh... i know! how about this Hybrid car!

You craving for attention? you WANT people to check you out with this weird look? Don't worry, those laughter aren't directed at you, it's them Hatin' at you! Also prepare yourself for Eyebrows who will give you like a three paragraph essay on why Hitler made the prius and... Oh... too expensive? Yeah yeah it's cool, i understand the economy is tough...

Ok... now i know what is it you REALLY want... hey don't leave! i swear it's good! REAL good buddy... Here walk with me and check this baby out!

That's right, A horse. No miles per gallons, no maintenance, no graffiti. This baby is pure horse power! It can give you fertilizers like CRAZY so you can grow your own food and never starve! Traffic? Never buddy, go like a the lone ranger on that highway and give the copper one of these! My advise though... don't give him bananas, that baby can't digest for crap I even tried sausages but that bastard keep biting them off...

Hope this cheered you up bret! We all went there!
My last/first car was a total piece of shit. I had to turn the AC off when I drove it on the freeway in order to get enough power. But, it drove flawlessly and without problem. I give it up, and it's in the shop the next week. There's a point when you get so in tune with your car that you can sense its every little problem. I have that now with my mustang, which reminds me that I need to get it serviced.

Still, there are plenty of other fish in the sea, or used cars in the lot. You'll find another love, I know it.
Thanks Lien, you brought the lulz as usual. Although I would've added Uncle to the title of your imaginary car lot.

Yeah, Longo, I feel you on that. The Rodeo was to me what a qunarii feels towards his sword. 10 years. Paid for it myself. We've experienced so much together.

And yes, I'm hyperbolizing. I'm actually excited to get a new car.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

Shifting the focus back to me though, I just bought a brand new 2011 GMC Terrain last month.


Get one. They're great.
My dream car has always been a Jeep Cherokee or Subaru Baja. I'll take almost anything I can get, though, 'cause as it stands, I haven't owned a car.
Longo_2_guns said:
My last/first car was a total piece of s***. I had to turn the AC off when I drove it on the freeway in order to get enough power.

Your first car had A/C?! Dude, get the fuck outta here! ;)
At least it survived a long time.

I only had like 8 months with my original Ralliart before it got dead.
I had a sad.

Good times though. In 8 months it showed up at the shop on the back of a tow truck a total of 3 times, and once with the main belt snapped when i nursed it in. Oh, and the time the brakes failed which was interesting.
Knew everything about that car. How to launch it, how much grip it has in corners, how it'll handle when i decide to be an idiot, how to change belts out in a matter of seconds, how to solve the various rattles (MORE POWER), the specifics of why it doesn't want to accelerate that day, etc.
Favorite car I ever bought was an 87 Lincoln Town Car. Got it for 1500 bucks in 2006. Only lasted a year but what a glorious year it was, what with the muffler falling off the car while on the highway. I don't know why it's so much fun to own a piece of crap car, but it was. Now I just have the baby-carrying SUV and generic point A to point B sedan.

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