Korra the Explorra


So tired.

She's watching. Are you?

I'm watching it with my boys, and I like it. It's a lot faster-paced though. But that's alright. Plus, J. K. Simmons.[/i]
Friend of mine is talking about it a lot. I kinda fell out of place with the avatar universe due to people. :(
I honestly don't get why people are so into this show, but I never got into Avatar either. It's cool that you watch with your kids Brett.
Ignore the film. It's a piss-poor representation and isn't worth your time unless you're in the mood to laugh at it, IMO. I'm sure there was some good intention behind it, but it just really dropped the ball on a whole lot of things.

The cartoons are fantastic, some of the best animated storytelling out there. There's a blend of western storytelling sensibility with eastern mythology and action. Underestimating its penchant for a fleshed out story and characters was my mistake back when it was airing on TV. It's like Harry Potter in that regard: designed to appeal to kids but done well and with enough themes and meaning that any age can enjoy it.

Haha, because of people? What does that mean?

The original series should still be up on Netflix, and the new series, Legend of Korra, can be watched for free on Nick's website.

http://www.nick.com/shows/legend-of-kor ... aracterNav

Korra is definitely a lot faster-paced, they have a much shorter window to tell their story (12 episodes for season 1, 14 for season 2, I hear), but it's also a good challenge for the creators to see how compact and focused they can make it.
You really have to push through the first half of Season 1, as it is fairly childish. But once you do, you end up being rewarded with some great storytelling, character development and action. I have a hard time with a lot of anime, but the Western base for the show made it a lot more swallowable. Considering the fact that most cartoons in the States are made purely to sell toys, it's nice to have one that is focusing on plot.
Bretimus_v2 said:
You really have to push through the first half of Season 1, as it is fairly childish. But once you do, you end up being rewarded with some great storytelling, character development and action. I have a hard time with a lot of anime, but the Western base for the show made it a lot more swallowable. Considering the fact that most cartoons in the States are made purely to sell toys, it's nice to have one that is focusing on plot.
Yes. Exactly, and that's why I never quite got into it earlier on when it started airing. It picks up at the end of Season 1, but the series doesn't really find its true identity until Season 2 when its full cast is introduced and character development with a more focused plot really take hold. Even so, Season 1 is still much better than most cartoons out there these days.

Legend of Korra has already proven a step in evolution from even the better episodes of the original series, with its much more concise storytelling - a more modern setting with a focus on social and political unrest while still holding onto its fantasy roots has definitely been a success so far. It's done a lot in only four episodes.
I like it, and I usually hate things that feel steam punk (combining "magic" with technology). I would-be so creeped out by Katara if I was Korra. I mean really...really.

But seriously? No one here watches this beside Eddy and I? Where's Schimmel?
Ha, I'm somewhat biased, I'm an active member of the Avatar fandom and have been for the past year or so. Being an active member of this fandom and tolerating creepy fangirls is almost as bad as being active in the gaming community and tolerating ignorant haters.


Why would you be creeped out by Katara? Because she's like an 80-something year-old, or...?
Eddy_DS_Fettig said:
Haha, because of people? What does that mean?

Lets just say I saw a lot of Kataras during conventions that would scar my mind perm. Also the fan fiction that I had to read. Oh my.. I just can't watch it wouldn't those horrible visions in my head. :(
Noritama said:
Eddy_DS_Fettig said:
Haha, because of people? What does that mean?

Lets just say I saw a lot of Kataras during conventions that would scar my mind perm. Also the fan fiction that I had to read. Oh my.. I just can't watch it wouldn't those horrible visions in my head. :(

Haha, I just avoid cons like that by principle (so far) - ones where I'd see a lot of cosplay.

No one MADE you read fanfiction, you know. ;P Just saying. There is a lot of garbage fiction out there no matter what the source is, but beause Avatar is such a big fandom there's that much more junk. I actually have been getting privately commissioned to write my Avatar-based fiction, so I'd like to think it's different than most of the stuff out there. For one, I'm generally opposed to romantically-focused works because it just strikes me as sex fantasy smut. Bleh.

You shouldn't let people in outfits at conventions and bad fanfiction keep you away from watching through the original series and LoK, though. The creators themselves make fun of their own fandom, and they've got good heads on their shoulders.
LinksOcarina said:
Pardon my ignorance, what show is this? I thought it was Avatar: The Last Airbender for a moment...
It's the sequel series, taking place 70 years after ATLA ended. So yea, it would make sense you thought that. ;)


Fanfiction is DEFINITELY not always the worst. I have read some fanfiction written better than 'official' stuff, to be honest. It all depends on the fandom, the quality of the source material, and whether or not a fan who actually knows what they're doing writes it.

Technically speaking, a lot of officially published works (like, say, pretty much every novel based on a video game or TV series) are in the same realm as "fanfiction" in that it wasn't written by the creator.

Take that another step further and most TV shows switch writers across episodes, which is why you'll have some episodes that feel more like filler or less in-character than others.

Legend of Korra's entire first season, as near as I can tell, was written specifically by the series' creators, and directed by their top guy, which is probably why it's felt so tight and focused so far.

Stuff like "Wicked" is basically fanfiction that became a published work, as are many reboots or what-have-you - though I'd argue the book Wicked seems to reek of negative fanfic stereotypes while the musical is a more appropriate example. Fanfiction gets a bad rap while fanART doesn't as much. There's a lot of crap in both categories but there's also some good stuff hiding in the rough.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I like it, and I usually hate things that feel steam punk (combining "magic" with technology). I would-be so creeped out by Katara if I was Korra. I mean really...really.

But seriously? No one here watches this beside Eddy and I? Where's Schimmel?

Yeah i do because i watched the original avatar and i though why not... it's not bad but i liked the original better so far.
I'm liking the show, though always comparing it to Avatar.

The fighting is really well done in these series. They have a martial artist in the production team, and it really shows.
LoK should be compared to its predecessor, of course. ;)
Many fans won't be able to get past the fact that it's a sequel series, and inherently much shorter than the original - meaning we won't get to have as many silly times or just in general get to know the characters as well.

But as a production and a piece of storytelling, the first 4 eps of Korra have been much more keen and done a lot more in less time than the first 4 of TLA, all without feeling rushed - quite the opposite.

In the end, I'm sure I personally will like the original series a bit more just because it was 'first' and much longer, but Korra's doing great so far - not to mention it looks like it may well end up showing us a look at the adult lives of the original characters.

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