It's cold hearted


It sneaks up on you when you least expect.So wrapped up in the game that you don't bother to save thinking everything is fine,but then *FREEZE* setting you back oh so many minutes/hours.

This has got to be one of the biggest "Fuck You" in gaming.. Sure there's an autosave, but thats not always dependable ( it's fucking autosave,why was the last 4hrs ago!!!). Most of my EXP with this problem accours in games such as : Bully, Every GTA, both Saints row, but it's not just those just those few. It can happen any game , you just don't see it coming.

Games should have an autosave that activates at least every 10min ( with the option to still save manualy of course). "Banjo Kazooi N&B" is a great example of how it should work. I can play without the thought of "oh shit I should go save soon".Imagine game like WoW (okay?)

example: You spend hrs grinding your ass off,so consumed you that saving never crosses your mind. All of a sudden "DISCONNECTED!..or some other reason " and now theres another hole in the wall ( I've done a few times, not gunna lie).

Mabey you think " I shouldn't game for so long", yeah I could do that,but for me it's either I'm gaming hard or i'm not gaming at all. When I start a game up, I'm hell bent on either beating it or getting some gamer score.

Mabey some day games will never freeze, or mabey the autosave will be put to full use (hell i'd settle for a reminder to save icon), but until that day...I've got to replay 2hrs of "Saints row 2"
That happened to me with Mass Effect. Like, 3 hours worth. One of the reasons I like it when games prompt you to save is that you actually save, which I don't regularly. Like in Fallout 3, I beat the game with less than 40 saves, and my friend is 1/3 of the way done with 500 saves. I guess some people just save more than others.
Longo_2_guns said:
That happened to me with Mass Effect. Like, 3 hours worth. One of the reasons I like it when games prompt you to save is that you actually save, which I don't regularly. Like in Fallout 3, I beat the game with less than 40 saves, and my friend is 1/3 of the way done with 500 saves. I guess some people just save more than others.

I get obsessive compulsive about it....I'll watch it autosave and then manually save it immediately after just incase the autosave didn't work right. I need help.
Do you want to know what's REALLY bad? The Crash Nitro Kart auto-saving system.

Why? It ONLY auto-saves your high scores, NOT your game. It doesn't even tell you that you still need to save your progress, only that your 'save was successful'. So, inevitably you'll lose 2 or so hours of progress because the game betrayed your trust.
I save before making any, ANY decision on most games now, and save multiple save files when I'm still uncertain.

But I still get pissed playing games with save points and racing games.

Both Half-Lifes are completely perfect since they autosave quite regularly and you can save manually anywhere you want (and HL2 does like to freeze a lot since it uses that lovely engine that my pc can't stand).
The Ratchet and Clank series are very good when it comes to auto-saving. The most I could possibly imagine losing is about a half hour (still a bit, but not substantial)
This happened to me on Fable 2.. I was going in to finish killing the Great Shard and then something happened outside and the power went out. For like maybe five seconds. And those five seconds were enough to turn off my Xbox without saving my 3 hours of previous work. Damn.
Quicksave is one of the greatest features in games. I'm sure they could integrate it into console games.
I'll usually play without saving until something happens and the game crashes or I die and realize I haven't saved or been autosaved in like 4 hours. Sometimes it's enough to make me stop playing the game for weeks.
Mass Effect is a perfect example, I got some kickass alien assault rifle near the last level, but died before I saved the game with it. I picked up from my latest save and played through til I beat the game, but while I liked it enough to play through it again, I was pissed I didn't have that weapon and haven't touched it since. That was right after it came out too, maybe I'll pick it up again and just play through it again, but I doubt it.
BigZell2020 said:
Longo_2_guns said:
That happened to me with Mass Effect. Like, 3 hours worth. One of the reasons I like it when games prompt you to save is that you actually save, which I don't regularly. Like in Fallout 3, I beat the game with less than 40 saves, and my friend is 1/3 of the way done with 500 saves. I guess some people just save more than others.

I get obsessive compulsive about it....I'll watch it autosave and then manually save it immediately after just incase the autosave didn't work right. I need help.

I do that too, up to a point that i save, open my inventory, move a couple of items, then save again for no good reason... We should start a support group :?
^I'm in too, sometimes I start making multiple save files "just in case"

I hate how in the GTA series you don't have any save/autosave/checkpoint/whatever during the missions
The best/worst freeze bugs are in Forza 2. As a precursor to the freeze, the game just starts acting weird. So you'll be in first place, on the last lap and suddenly the textures for the track will turn blank. So you're literally racing to the finish line as the earth peels away screaming, "PLEASE DON'T FREEZE YET! PLEASE DON'T FREEZE YET!"
I always forget to save in Fallout 3 and Oblivion, and then randomly get killed and have to go back over an hours worth of killing and experience, completely ruining my will to play any more that day...

Would it be possible for consoles to take a mmorgp approach to saves? Or not since those run on servers that track each character?
Green_Lantern said:
Would it be possible for consoles to take a mmorgp approach to saves? Or not since those run on servers that track each character?
That was a kinda dumb idea to begin with. Save every little screw up I make...nice.
The mmorg thing would not be that practical, as you'd waste resources keep track of everything you do. Just quicksave...
I learned my lesson on GRAW2 for PC. I basically got to the point where i was quick saving every time i moved my unit or myself.

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