Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling "bummed out?&q

Give an example of a time when you were like "Fuck, this sucks..." Basically like a growing-pain moment that just bummed you out. Anything that made you think about time and how quickly lives disappear and basically just bummed you out.

Mine? I love the Beastie Boys. I listen to them all the time. I know some people don't like them, but I love Hello Nasty so much. It is like the perfect record to me and it defined my teenage years. My interest in them expanded and shrunk of course, but it was like an old standard. I could put that on and everything would go away. I loved listening to it super loud in my car when I finally got my license at 18. I blew the speakers of my grandma's old Saturn out. I even got into an accident one time because I was being so fucking stupid listening to the music so loud.

And then Adam Yauch died last year. I was so sad and honestly the thought popped into my head "you'll never get to see them live."
Wait, I forgot to get the warehouse guys...

I'm usually the friend with an ear to lend but when it's my turn to open up people have better things to do, so that bums me out. When I get myself into screwed up scenarios I get no help or advice and just figure it out on my own. Beastie Boys are indeed awesome though and I use music and video games as a way to deal with stress.

I won't brag about seeing them live.
Try "Saturnine."

I get that feeling sometimes when I think back to my teenage/high school years. Sure, it's a time that I, and many others, considers a time of crappiness and awkwardness, and rightfully so, but think about it: When else is your life are you so free of responsibilities, and get to see your friends every day? Certainly not as an "adult" in the "real world."
danielrbischoff said:
Awww that's a bummer to hear Lethean... :(

Nah my wife is pretty cool most of the time. I guess sometimes I just wish I had the freedom to do whatever still you know? At the same time, I'm sure I'd be miserable without her.

As long as I can drink then I'm happy.

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