Is there anyway you can enlarge our avatars?


I just think they're far too small. Some of them, I can't even make out.

If it was at all possible to make them twice as big as they are now I'd be very very happy!
I don't mind the avatars on the forums being small, but couldn't we at least magnify them in the profile-page? You can't even view the "profile picture" in full scale now?

I'd like it if I could just check out the obscure avatars from the profile, but if they're getting bigger in the forums, twice the size is the maximum...
No, 65x65 is much better. We do not need large avatars. If it is big enough to make out, it's fine.
I was thinking about increasing the size restriction last week actually.

Now if I can get some consensus on an appropriate size.
Why don't we have something visual to look at and compare.

This is what we currently have, 48x48 px:

Next would be 65x65, which I personally prefer:

Next is 75x75, which I think is the absolute maximum we should go for (although I still prefer 65x65):

And finally, the original topic creator suggested double the current size, which would be 96x96:

Too big, imo.
96x96 is clearly too big, 75x75 is pushing it. 65x65 is good.

Course if I could have it my way, we'd be back to ranks! I want my turtle back. THE greatest rank ever.
I'd actually choose 75x75, out of that list.
Thanks, mc.

And I'm actually past wanting ranks on this board. It was alot of fun for the first four years I was here, but let's leave it in the past. The current avater system is awesome, if a bit too small. Also, it works really well with the rest of the Community and comment site features.

I would like the metal system, however. :)

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