Is there any game you're insanely good at?


I have a friend who can speed run DKC 3 and get 103 or whatever it is percent. I have it for snes, don't even play it. He just put it and did it while having a conversation with me and some friends at a party. And you know what he did?

"Hey bro can I use one of your save files"
"Yeah okay"
"I don't really need it, I just want you to have a complete finished game saved"

Honestly, there's games that I play a lot I wish I was godlike at. But there's only two I think I'm godlike at.

Sonic 2, I can get all the emeralds on the first two acts of zone 1. I'm not sure if it's possible to do it in the first act, but it hasn't stopped me from trying to this day. I've also done no ring runs, which basically means if I hit a ring I have to restart (It's possible, hard as hell though).

Halo CE, holy crap was I good at this game. I don't just mean good at beating my friends, I literally became godlike with my obsession of it. I can speed run the campaign on legendary in a little over one hour and thirty-one minutes. Which last time I heard was close to what the world record is. Though it's sectioned in levels and not actual total gameplay time IIRC. Needless to say, I was pretty damn good at multiplayer too. And Halo 2 came out and screwed everything up with regen health and gimping weapons.

Games I wish I was insanely good at.

CS 1.6
Quake 3
Super Street Fighter II

At least those games garner respect, when you tell someone you're good at Halo and Sonic, they mostly laugh at you. For obvious reasons.
Does Guitar Hero count?

NHL Hitz 20-03, Mario Kart 64, Pokémon Stadium 2 (the minigames), Super Soccer for the SNES and Soul Calibur 3.

Now there is no real way to prove that I'm the best Soul Calibur 3 player out there, but I did beat a Korean kid who's first language WASN'T English.

So yeah, I'm the best.
I'm good at Super Mario Bros. the first one... and that's it. Oh! And Cooking Mama, she even said that I'm better than her.
Rakon said:
NHL Hitz 20-03, Mario Kart 64, Pokémon Stadium 2 (the minigames), Super Soccer for the SNES and Soul Calibur 3.

Now there is no real way to prove that I'm the best Soul Calibur 3 player out there, but I did beat a Korean kid who's first language WASN'T English.

So yeah, I'm the best.
If only you beat him at Starcraft, then you'd be a legend.
Any football games, I'm going to have a huge chance to walk away the winner.

I was checking some stats on NCAA '10 earlier; Something along the lines of 337-40. Most of those are losses to the computer, on the hardest setting, while attempting to revive a failing college program.

I am insanely, idiotically, good at football games.

And I tear up all the n00bs on MW3. N00bs.
I feel too humble to say I'm awesome at anything, but I've played hours and hours of Red Dead Redemption multiplayer and I was nearly godly at that.
I'm above average at every single game I play. Like, there's nothing I'm spectacular at but I can make my way through hard on most games.
Halo, World of Warcraft (Yes, it does take skill despite what some may believe), MW, Starcraft 1 and 2, Warcraft 1, 2 and 3, C&C (All of them).

But my all time game I can deliver a royal beat-down with is Dawn of War 1 and 2. I love the Dawn of War, but I'm a huge fan of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe anyway. I mean I own pretty much every novel ever written, have huge stacks of codexes, and I religiously play the tabletop Wargame, and the Role-Playing game-line from Fantasy Flight Games. So it stands to reason I mastered Dawn of War. Still one of the best RTS's of all time in my opinion.

Other games I'm good at: Red Dead Redemption, Mario Brothers, Mega Man games (Mostly the X series).
Like longo i am also not godly at any game but can hold my own with most games on hard, although i am pretty good at the God of War even though i only beat every game on hard,not very hard that shit was impossible, I wanted to break my controller when fighting zeus on 2 and 3
[quote="danielrbischoff"]I feel too humble to say I'm awesome at anything, but I've played hours and hours of Red Dead Redemption multiplayer and I was nearly godly at that.[/quote]

I did manage to clear God difficulty in GoW1 and almost made it through Titan in 2.

Also, I suppose I could throw in P4. I stomped that game so hard that I took all of the fun out of it. Seriously, every S-Link, 85% of the compendium, level 99 for most of my team, and I managed to create a nigh-invulnerable Helel, a nigh-invulnerable Lucifer, and a nigh-invulnerable Metatron, all with supremely amazing attacks. I beat Margaret in like 30 turns and the final boss in less than that, all on Hard.

Oh, and Ace Combat. I forgot about that. I've cleared 4, 5, and 0 on Ace difficulty with S ranks on every level.
NecroWolf said:
World of Warcraft (Yes, it does take skill despite what some may believe)

Vanilla WoW yes, once the expansions started hitting the level of skill required went down the toilet.

I used to be pretty good playing Goldeneye...Other than that, not really sure, I can't say I really pay attention to that sort of thing.
Civilization 4. I rarely lost a game when playing. I just had a great grasp on how to get a big leg up early on and then hold onto the lead.

I'm also pretty good with any FPS multiplayer. I was a boss at MW2 on the PC, and pretty good at black ops. Haven't really played enough BF3 yet due to school to really call myself godly, but hey, I've got a vacation coming up.

I'm also pretty good with whatever MMO i'm playing at the time. I used to play a lot of guild wars and was pretty good at that (though not great). I just excel at role playing in combat situations.

I also became quite good with SimCity 4 for a while when I was really into that.
I USED to be pretty good at Counter-Strike: Source but playing the beta for CS: GO has shown me how Battlefield 3 has destroyed those skills.
Ah, a place to toot my horn.

Crash Bandicoot. People watch me as I floooowww through all the levels as if it was just a rhythm jumping game. Even on the "Road to Nowhere" level. I fly through it, and I never have difficulty. I have played that game so much to a point it could be a religion to me. But yeah :D
I used to be really good at Star Fox but now I kind of suck. I was also unbeatable at the WWF games by THQ/AKI for the Nintendo 64.

Nowadays I'm just ok-to-terrible at every game.

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