Is the government EVER going to legalize marijuana?

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So my friends and I were at a concert, we were outside on the patio amongst many fans. We happened to be smoking a joint, a very small joint nonchalantly. And then security creeps up on us and kicks us out... We weren't selling dope, we didn't even have any more dope on us. We were just smoking a small joint and for that we were booted.

Unbelievable. I can guarantee they would've had more problems trying to kick out a piss-drunk, full-blown alcoholic. Why the fuck is this still considered a dangerous and deadly drug? And why the fuck is the background here still white? My avatar doesn't look as cool as it did when this place was all black.
I've decided that it's still illegal because if it wasn't, people would just be smoking it all day and not get anything done, thus causing the US economy to crumble to dust...which dust would then be snorted.
>smoking at a concert


Edibles dude. lasts longer - way more of a vibe. plus 60 yr old sec guards are too dumb to suspect food.

Obama, just lost his reelection - he COMPLETELY FLAT OUT LIED about pulling back on Medicinal MJ Raids - without ANY justification. I honestly don't know who will win in 2012, nor do I know if I'm going to vote at all.
Legalize it, tax it.


In addition, all tobacco and weed products must put off the smell of rotten pumpkin and squash. If you know this smell, you would know how effective it would be to get smokers to quit.
This would save over 200 billion in healthcare costs!
Urbs, just vote ron paul, he'd legalize it for ya.

Oh yeah:

UrbanMasque said:
btw- im drunk n high. tis all - goodnight. I'm calling sick into work tomorrow.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
high and called into work.

Told you it creates a bad work ethic. :wink:

... :?

The fact that we're still having this discussion on legalizing marijuana is ridiculous. You got kicked out because the security was just doing his job. But the fact that it's his job because it's the law is BS.

You think Marijuana is illegal because it's bad for you and the government is trying to protect us from a dangerous substance? HA! Why don't you smoke another pack of ciggerattes and finish that bottle of whiskey, right after you scarf down another Big Mac with Large Fries and finish it off with a Dairy Queen blizzard.

No, the bottom line is money. The goverment doesn't want you to smoke pot because they can't make money off it. Sure, Marijuana CAN be legalized and taxed but there is far too much of it being sold underground. Far too many people who smoke it hate "the man' and would rather buy from a dealer than pay the tax at a convience store. As soon as the government figures out a way to make as much money for Marijuana as they do with ciggerattes we'll see the laws change.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
In addition, all tobacco and weed products must put off the smell of rotten pumpkin and squash. If you know this smell, you would know how effective it would be to get smokers to quit.
This would save over 200 billion in healthcare costs!

I lol'ed. But I don't see how smoking weed would send someone to the hospital. o_O
there is a link between the much higher levels of, THC? that the main chem in pot? Anyways, 40 years ago the content was about 5%, now it's around 35%, and there may be link between pot and ball cancer. So yeah, I prefer having nuts, and lungs, so i don't smoke anything.
WickedLiquid said:
No, the bottom line is money. The goverment doesn't want you to smoke pot because they can't make money off it. Sure, Marijuana CAN be legalized and taxed but there is far too much of it being sold underground. Far too many people who smoke it hate "the man' and would rather buy from a dealer than pay the tax at a convience store. As soon as the government figures out a way to make as much money for Marijuana as they do with ciggerattes we'll see the laws change.

Wicked you’ve obviously smoked way too much! Your logic is flawed. If pot was made legal even with the taxes the price would drop from where it is today (or at worst stay the same). Lower prices and easier access would mean even the most government hating pothead would buy legally. Growers would sell it legally and not have to worry about jail time, you do realize there would be laws against avoiding the tax. Money is NOT the reason pot is still illegal, it has more to do with heads being lodged up asses.
How old was this security guy who kicked your group out? I bet he was a kid. Virgin tier at that.

I smoke openly at concerts, in the lawn Texas! Yes, the hang 'em state! Hex, you're in Canada. Wtf man.

But the Feds are forcing California dispensaries to close down. So, when will they legalize it? Never. :(
I'm all for taxing poisons, all poisons. Caffeine included. ... n-20111007
tinymhg said:
WickedLiquid said:
No, the bottom line is money. The goverment doesn't want you to smoke pot because they can't make money off it. Sure, Marijuana CAN be legalized and taxed but there is far too much of it being sold underground. Far too many people who smoke it hate "the man' and would rather buy from a dealer than pay the tax at a convience store. As soon as the government figures out a way to make as much money for Marijuana as they do with ciggerattes we'll see the laws change.

Wicked you’ve obviously smoked way too much! Your logic is flawed. If pot was made legal even with the taxes the price would drop from where it is today (or at worst stay the same). Lower prices and easier access would mean even the most government hating pothead would buy legally. Growers would sell it legally and not have to worry about jail time, you do realize there would be laws against avoiding the tax. Money is NOT the reason pot is still illegal, it has more to do with heads being lodged up asses.

Don't assume that just because I believe Marijuana should be legal that I'm a pot-head. I smoke a joint once in a blue moon. If what you say is true then Marijuana would've been legalized years ago. Would the government still make money off Marijuana if it was sold in stores? Of course! But you're also assuming if Marijuana was legal then it would be ok for dealers to grow it and sell it for prophet. However, I doubt the government would allow drug dealers to continue to do their "jobs" of selling weed when they'd rather consumers pay for it with the added tax. You think drug dealers are just going to start paying a tax for selling their own dope? Yes I'm sure they'll get right on that since they're such law-abiding citizens lol.

If people are growing and selling pot, then that's less money for the government. it's not worth the risk for them to legalize something so controversial if it's not going to bring in enough dollars. If it would bring in the type of cash that cigarettes bring in, then sure! But in the end, every stoner would be growing ten foot high plants and smoking for free while the government wouldn't see a penny.

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
there is a link between the much higher levels of, THC? that the main chem in pot? Anyways, 40 years ago the content was about 5%, now it's around 35%, and there may be link between pot and ball cancer. So yeah, I prefer having nuts, and lungs, so i don't smoke anything.

Oh, I agree that the content of THC has significantly increased. This is also another reason why it should be legalized. And while THC leads to paranoia and in very rare cases schizophrenia, the chances of developing schizophrenia is far less than an alcoholics chance of getting liver disease, brain damage, cancer, lung infections, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and a nasty hangover.

And I'd like to see the link that says Marijuana may cause ball cancer :shock: Considering it's a medicinal drug for people with cancer that would be pretty ironic, haha.
My questions: what the heck is up with this interest in pot you peeps seem to have in the Americas.

Yes, I live in a country where it is allowed. Not legalized, allowed. Key word there. In fact, that is the key attractor of (mostly) US and French citizens to come and 'work' in and around our capital; Amsterdam.

As a result of it being allowed: nobody gives a shit about weed/pot/marijuana/grass/whatever. Most Dutch citizens here frown upon pot use. It is just not a big deal around here.

Now, what is a big deal is the THC value of the stuff, which the government does try to regulate, since it is a big health risk. Other than that, the rules are simple here. You are allowed the purchase of weed, but not allowed to grow large quantities yourself.
Creating the question: where do coffeeshops get their stock...? But that is besides the point.

Now I had this crazy idea here a while ago. A long, long while ago actually.

Legalize the stuff.
Have government run plantations.
- Plantations are being worked on by convicts, so they can work while they are incarcerated.
Have the government dispense the stuff to government run/approved coffeeshops/stores.
Offer the stuff at bottom price.
Buyers need to be of age (show ID card) and only a set amount can be purchased at a time (on a monthly basis).

This undercuts the (still illegal) growth and sale of weed.
It adds extra money to the state treasury - taxation!
You can keep track of and regulate the dispensing of weed.
You can regulate the THC value of weed more effectively.
Marijuana comes from Cannabis, it's a plant. It was legal since the dawn of man. Then in the 1930's it became a prohibited substance due to the fact the government were unable to tax it properly.

Since then, more than 400,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana charges, meanwhile more than 400,000 Americans die each year from diseases related to cigarette smoking. Over 150,000 Americans die each year of Alcohol abuse. But in over 150,000 years of usage nobody has ever died from smoking marijuana.

Sure there are pot heads out there who ruined their lives from smoking weed, it's not exactly the best thing in the world to be doing with your free time, but neither is alcohol and cigarettes. The best option would be to do none of those things. But if we're going to make one harmful substance legal, we might as well make a less harmful substance legal as well. The only problem is over the last few decades alot of people have been force fed information through anti-drug ads (the government) and law enforcements that Marijuana is more harmful then alcohol and cigarettes combined. Today we have the internet and can look the information up ourselves. The facts speak for themselves.
WickedLiquid said:
Don't assume that just because I believe Marijuana should be legal that I'm a pot-head. I smoke a joint once in a blue moon.

Don't get mad Wicked I was only joking about smoking way too much. I am also in favor of legalization of pot, and I was at one time (in the 90’s) a pothead (a weekly user), but I haven’t been stoned since the 4th of July 2005. I used to smoke (tobacco) and drink (alcohol) also but I haven’t since March of 2005. Prohibition did not work and marijuana laws, especially the US federal laws, are stupid. There is far too much ingrained ignorance, misconception, and stupidity to have an enlightened discourse about this subject today. (And no I am not calling you any of those things.) So, I think I’m just going to shut the f*ck up now. :wink:
Ashalar said:
My questions: what the heck is up with this interest in pot you peeps seem to have in the Americas.

We're not big on government mandates of any kind, especially those stemming from outdated public opinion. Well, most of us, at least. inb4 polls
These conversations never work out. The guy who chain smokes while holding a beer always thinks the pot smoker has problems.

A prime example is my brother in law, hes a 20 something year old who just started his own concrete company last year. He drinks after work everyday, smokes because it's cool and goes to church every Sunday. Already he's driving around drunk, ignorning his newlywed wife and thinks his shit doesn't stink like any other typical asshat construction manager.

My father in law and I went out to smoke a joint and he gets all hot and bothered by it, becasue like so many others he's uneducated and easily beleives all that's said and hyped about smoking pot.

If you were to compaire booze, cigarettes and weed ... anyone who actually knows what they're talking about can tell you weed has a crazy amount of good medical benefits. I would rather smoke half a joint before bed instead of popping muscle relaxers, pain killers and 'anti depressant' piills. Advil, Tyenol and all those other pills can fuck you up a lot more overtime then smoking a joint a day.

The government should sell it and tax it, it would create jobs and revenue for the country, they could also contract it out, just like a company that makes booze. Regulate how it's grown, tweak the strength and sell it as required.

These are just a few of the stupid things people say to me when we started down this road of conversation;

"Weed affects everyone differently. Sometimes they freak out." .. so does a drinker. if anything, someone super stoned is guilty of not shutting the fuck up about how big the universe is, and asking if there's anymore chips in the house. meanwhile the drunk is pissed because you said hi to his girlfriend. Both have the possibility to go into a sob story apology about an arguement you both had months ago.

"Pot smokers just smoke pot nonstop all the time" .. so do alcoholics. i've also never seen to this day someone stoned who tries to pick a fight with another person. but god have i seen drunks knock eachother around.

"Weed STINKS!!" so do cigarretes .. or alcoholics who come to work after drinking all night. Apply the smoking laws to pot as well as the no drinking in public laws to pot.

"Pot smokers are dangerous drivers" make it illegal to drive stoned, figure out a scientific way to confirm if said driver is under the influence of marijuana.

Oh fuck, I'm so stoned right now I don't even know what I'm talking aboot.
Plug ---->

It is a sign of progress itself that the question is WHEN will the government legalize cannabis rather than WILL. This tottering, rotten tower of prohibition is ready to collapse, wobbling on cut legs.

We have heard the arguments for a long time now, and they have all been proven to either be inaccurate, misleading, or outright false. I could rage for months on this topic, doing everything I can right now to stay focused.

I think one of the big hurdles that has to be overcome is the mothers. Even among girls I went to high school with, who I've seen smoke pot and drink, you hear the cry, "Won't somebody please think of the children!" Uh-oh, don't want little Jimmy Jr. to have access to drugs now do we?

What a crock. I had an easier time finding drugs in high school than anywhere else. Drugs are everywhere in school, even if you outlaw it, those sneaky teenagers will always find a way to get something. Somebody should check TheJx4's locker...

Parents send their kids to private school to keep them away from such things. I'm willing to bet drug use per capita at a private school is higher then a public school.

That pot destroys homes, I beg to differ. I've seen homes where both parents (or the only parent there) drinks heavily, ugly sight. I've seen a home where both parents are doped out on prescription pills, never experienced a more hate filled home in my life. I've seen the shattered remnants of a home taken by meth, yikes. Homes where one or both parents are cannabis enthusiasts though, I've found warm, welcoming, comfortable, above all, peaceful.

I'm going to save some argument for later, before this becomes a 3 page long post.
I can't believe you got kicked out for doing something illegal. That's ridiculous. Next thing you know you won't be able to do anything illegal without being punished.

Only in america
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
there is a link between the much higher levels of, THC? that the main chem in pot? Anyways, 40 years ago the content was about 5%, now it's around 35%, and there may be link between pot and ball cancer. So yeah, I prefer having nuts, and lungs, so i don't smoke anything.

There's a link between pretty much everything else you do and cancer too. Just because pot is illegal you take it more seriously.

Cigarettes are a different story though. If you smoke, you're retarded.
You have a point, but probably not the best example ;)

Perhaps the government are trying to keep it as strictly "prescription only", rather than it being sold in every dodgy corner shop.
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