Is it too early for reflection on 2009?


Basically, it's been a long time since I've been on these forums properly, and I've missed you all heaps.

My forum sabbatical turned out to be a great thing, I passed with a B average, and inadvertently realised that electrophilic aromatic substitution teaches people how to make TNT, with reactants, mechanism pathways, and junk like that. Onward to better things next year.

2009 has been a great year, guys, and it's a bit stink that I wasn't able to share a heap of it with you, but I'm back.

Many trials and tribulations, a few fires dodged, no arrests (yet), narrowly avoided trespass orders, a bit of Zen thrown in, some terrible hangovers, and a lot of esoteric knowledge.

Anyway, greatest Christmas song ever?

I think so.
Rakon said:
Does this mean he can't win most missed poster? Because I'm not changing my vote.
You expect me to do a total recount of everyone's votes because of some guy who doesn't know how to stay dead? Like hell I am.

Also, that reminds me, I need to get my money back from the agency, which is sad. I mean, if you can't trust hitmen to do their job, who can you trust?
Ngawwww, you guys...

I actually heard from FTG that I got a nom for missed poster. Seriously, who did that? FOOLS!

Anyway, KRP, friend I haven't met yet, I was thinking about taking down the government, to coincide with Guy Fawkes, but didn't have the kaolinite to stabilise the nitro. Turns out that despite living on a geothermal hotspot, our clay isn't particularly mineral-rich.

And Longo, don't bother with the refund. Your boys did a great job keeping me away this long. Fortunately, all the preparation I did for the inevitable zombie apocalypse helped me survive. Remote turrets, electric fences, trapdoor alligators... I was fine.
thetank is alive? But I thought you were dead!
Still, great to see you still alive and kicking.

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