intoTheRain, give me tips on how to get max gains

Easy guys! Let's not have a flame war. :p It's all good.

It sounds like you did have to work hard, intoTheRain, and obviously you have. It is very impressive and inspirational. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, being serious. Reading your last edit shows just that.

I find it kind of funny how people have those issues, I call it "vice versa issues". On one hand, you've got people who put on weight very easily and quite often they carry a lot of weight on them and have to lose it, which is hard. On the other hand, you've got thin/smaller people who actually find it very difficult to put on weight and they want to. As we know, putting on weight in terms of lean muscle is very difficult. Both tasks are hard.

For me, I'm one of the former guys. I used to be very overweight and I put on weight easily. Hell, I still put on weight easily. If I eat any food and don't exercise, the scales will rise - "Hello there Craig." I have a lot of friends who struggle to put on weight and who want to put on weight and get bigger.

I think it's impossible to say which is the harder task. Both tasks would be very difficult. The reason I think it's impossible is because really, who has experienced both issues? Like I said before, I've only experienced being overweight and having to lose that weight. I've never experienced being underweight and trying to put on weight.

To me, being thin and not being able to put on weight sounds difficult, because it means not only would you have to eat a crap load of food throughout the day, but you've gotta be eating the right kind of food. Lots of good carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats etc. You couldn't just stuff your face with McDonalds all day everyday. On top of that, you'd have to exercise like... five to six times a week, hell maybe even everyday, focusing on big heavy weights (as heavy as you can) as well as some serious, mass building compound lifts. It sounds like a lot of effort.

I hate genetics. I'm not sure why but genetically, I've got very big legs. My calves, quads and hamstrings are a lot larger than normal blokes. A lot of guys at the gym ask me what I do to train my legs (particularly my calves) but... I can't tell them much because even when I was fat, I still had them. I kinda wish some of the muscle I had in my legs was spread up a bit into my core though. Wishful thinking. :p I've been accused of steroids because of my legs and shoulders. :/

As for steroids, I'd never do steroids. I've heard a lot of people try and justify the use of steroids and how it isn't "bad" for you at all. I don't care what they say, they can do what they want, it's their bodies, I just don't want to risk any potential future health problems. Furthermore if I ever did do steroids, I'd probably get in shit for it. They don't do testing in judo very often but if they did, I'd be screwed.

I think to be honest though Urban, I think steroids could potentially make people "better" athletes. I mean... steroids are a performance enhancer, right? They're essentially drugs to push the human body beyond its normal limitations, to go higher than the natural peak? To me, an athlete using steroids would be able to go further and peform better. Lance Armstrong is a good example, but at the same time he was a very driven and dedicated athlete... but the drugs certainly would have helped push him to beyond his own limits.
Raine.. I think you miss the spirit of what I was saying.

Yea it took a lot of work - you actually have to show up to the gym and lift shit..and I respect that whole-heartily but Zyzz saying work hard work hard while cheating at the same time is hypocritical.

I didn't lift/get big for aesthetics.. it was a nice side effect, but I lifted for power so this bodybuilding thing is kind of alien to me - i'll admit, and Not puttin you down brah, just the logic of the statement - I don't want to steer my dear brother Crime in the wrong direction. Zyzz is not a role model.

Steroids does NOT make you a better athlete. If you aren't an athlete before the juice you won't magically become one. Doping is straight up different from dbol. I've known tons of makeshift I-AA players who believed this BS, and sat the bench their entire careers. They could lift a ton, and in football you think that'd be worth something, but no.. it does NOT make you a better athlete. It will NOT improve your hand eye coordination or teach you how to run. They;re call a performance enhancer, but only in definition.

"resonate some understanding caveman"
The reason Zyzz is inspirational is not just because of his body transformation, but because he transformed his whole life. That is why people love him. There are plenty of people that have gone from being a stick figure to being very well built, they don't really get noticed except from people who see them day to day.

But Zyzz went from being a skinny WoW nerd to being a charismatic E-Superstar that could smash any girl he wanted. Had an extremely outgoing personality and just lived the life a LOT of kids wish they could live. He gave those nerds hope that thought they were screwed for life. Wasn't just a body transformation but an entire life overhaul. And then he died at the peak of it all which is just lame.

No one would be praising him as much as they are if he just got jacked. But he went from a no one, to having a life many people dream of living. Gives kids hope. And thats why I respect him. While he was cocky (who wouldn't be), he was a nice guy.

Anyway.. as for the rest.. Like I said apologies for getting a little heated. But I think the guys who are overweight don't have it a ton harder than the guys who cant put on weight to save their lives. It's the mesopmorphs that have it good. Sure its a little nicer to be able to stuff your face all day as an ecto to achieve your goals, than be on a deficit all the time as an endo. But believe me having to eat 6000+ calories every single day without fail, and clean (what I did in highschool), gets extremely tiresome.

And I'm not exaggerating about 6000+ one bit. And thats with zero cardio, lifting only and trying to be as sedentary as possible otherwise.

Thank God my parents could afford to feed me. It was pretty much entirely clean, chicken, potatoes and veggies all the time. Tons of tuna, eggs etc.

edit: and Craig.. just to clarify, are you even an endomorph? or did you just pig out and play video games for a long time? lol
The fact that you guys find time and motivation to exercise is inspiring. I don't exercise, I ride a electric bike without pedaling. How much energy does it take to balance on a heavy bike?

Good job you guys. Stay awesome.
intoTheRain said:
edit: and Craig.. just to clarify, are you even an endomorph? or did you just pig out and play video games for a long time? lol

I think I'm a mesomorph or whatever it is. I'm quite tall (6'3) with broad shoulders, very rectangular shaped body overall. Endomorph's from my understanding have more 'round' builds and are quite stocky, which I'm not.

When I was a kid I was very active, into gymnastics and other sports like basketball and swimming. Then I went to high school and stopped everything. I'm sorry to give a "those feels" sob story, but when I went into high school I was pretty much bullied by everyone right away, so I stopped playing sports because it was just so depressing. As cliche' as it is, I really got into junk food 'cuz it made me feel better. Also I've always played video games, but in high school I played HEAPS of video games because it was fun, a means of escape and because I had pretty much a zero social life.

When I went to senior high school, the bullying stopped but the sedetary life style remained heavily in tact, e.g. being lazy, playing video games, eating bad foods etc. This life style followed me in my university years until just after I turned 21.

So long story short intoTheRain, I'm not an endomorph, I just ate too much junk food and played too many video games, so your guess was correct. :p

Sourdeez said:
They fact that you guys find time and motivation to exercise is inspiring. I don't exercise, I ride a electric bike without pedaling. How much energy does it take to balance on a heavy bike?

Good job you guys. Stay awesome.

Thanks man. :)
I'm meso with the arms of an ecto. not really, but yeah, really. Definitely not endo but fuck i want bigger arms. i work with an endo, dude's all "go big or go home" moded. we're lame.
Man, wouldn't say lame at all. At least you're giving it a go and it sounds like you're pretty serious about it. People will be mirin in no time, brah.

It's good that you're training with someone too. Always helps to have someone to push you a little along the way and spot you for some exercises.

I train by myself, which is kinda sad, I just ask someone at the gym to spot me with something I might be not so confident in. I used to train with people but... my first mate I trained with, he was all about body building and getting bigger, while I wanted to get stronger. My second mate... oh my God. He would never help put the weights away unless asked, he would never spot unless you ask, he had an obsession with wanting to train abs (thinking the key to a six pack is a bunch of exercises, it's all he wanted) and he showed up like... once or twice a week, always late. -_-
building big arms is a pain the taller you are. takes a lot of work for someone who is 6'5 to look big naturally.

like i said working arms is very weird with most people. some people get the most growth by never hitting them directly, just doing extremely heavy compound lifts and doing zero direct arm work. others by hitting them directly once a week. and some even get better results by hitting them twice per week directly..

so with arms you gotta kinda figure out what works for you.

and (im sure you already know this), remember its all about the tricep. everyone thinks bicep when they want to make their arms grow, but 65%ish of the upper arm is the tricep. so kill them. with biceps worry more about strict form to make the peak pop, with triceps go a little heavier and really kill them.
Just thought of one more tip christopher.

I used to hate my relaxed arm at side appearance. Always had big arms but they looked like chit at my sides relaxed. Never realized my lats just werent big enough so were not pushing my triceps out giving my arm that epic look. Had nothing to do with my arms but lack of lats. Not an issue anymore and my arms actually look good at my side

Long story short, wide grip pull ups are your friend. Start adding weight to a belt as soon as you can.
I hate training "arms".

intoTheRain is right, you can achieve good size arms and strength from heavy compound lifts.

I stopped training my biceps/triceps over a year ago and I haven't noticed a difference in terms of size or strength. Was training my arms a waste of time? Maybe! For what I wanted anyway. I seem to be doing just fine with what I'm doing - squats, bench, dead lift, clean and jerk, and Judo.
Master_Craig said:
I hate training "arms".

intoTheRain is right, you can achieve good size arms and strength from heavy compound lifts.

I stopped training my biceps/triceps over a year ago and I haven't noticed a difference in terms of size or strength. Was training my arms a waste of time? Maybe! For what I wanted anyway. I seem to be doing just fine with what I'm doing - squats, bench, dead lift, clean and jerk, and Judo.

yeep, and like i've said, my arms benefit huge from direct work.

well moreso my biceps.. I think my tris could get by just fine without direct work as compounds like OHP and Chest presses hit them so hard

i find my bis dont get a good peak though unless I isolate them.
extremely heavy compound lifts

Is this like when I carry all the groceries from the car in one agonizing trip? Because I'm pretty great at those, then.
I dont care if you bought every bag of cheetos in the grocery store, that still wouldnt be considered a workout for anyone.

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