intoTheRain, give me tips on how to get max gains

alright, my cardio's straight. Don't need help on that shit. My gains are beta as fuck. How do I get max Zyzz cuts with my genetics in the least amount of time without supplements or HGH? I'm tall but not a natural ectomorph, but my arms are #YOLO (You Only Lifted Once).

actually scratch that. Just tell me a practical work out regimen you'd do in the gym. Suggest away.

skill level: Hey, not too rough
a) eat above maintenance, if you're burning more than you're taking in you're not going to make gains, period.

b)I really like an upper/lower split, but feel like I can't isolate muscle groups properly with said split so alternate. Week 1 I do an upper/lower split, Week 2 I do individual muscle groups so I can isolate them better.

So for example

Week 1

Monday - Upper

Flat Barbell bench or Flat Dumbell Bench 3x10
Incline Barbell Bench or Incline Dumbell bench 3x10
Wide Grip Pullups 3x10
Close Grip T-Bar Rows 3x10 OR bent over barbell rows 3x10
Standing Military Press or Seated Dumbell Press 4x10
Lateral Raises Heavy sacrificing form a little bit 2x10
Lateral Raises lighter perfect form 2x10 (Lateral raises are my favorite exercises ever, makes dem wide shoulders brah, sick kunt shoulders brah)

Tuesday - Lower

Squats - 4x10
Deadlifts - 4x10
Calve Raises - 3x10
Leg Extensions 3x10

Wednesday - Fit in Traps/Forearms/Abs etc. all the loose ends.

Shrugs/forearm chit/ab chit

Thurs/Fri repeat mon/tues

If you did BB use DB, DB use BB, etc. switch it up a tiny bit.

The benefit of Upper/lower is hitting each muscle group twice in a week.

Then week 2 you go something like

Monday - Chest, Tuesday Back, Wednesday - Legs, THursday - Shoulders, Friday - Arms

Monday - Barbell/Dumbell Incline Bench 4x10
Barbell/Dumbell Flat Bench 3x10
Incline Dumbell Flys 3x10
Dips 3x10

Tuesday - Back

Deadlifts 5x10
Dumbell Rows 3x10
Wide Grip Pullups 3x10
Close Grip T-Bar Rows 3x10

Wednesday - Legs
(Same as lower body day)

THursday - Shoulders

Standing Barbell Press - 3x10
Seated Dumbell Press - 3x10
Strict Lateral Raises 3x10
Front Raises - 2x10
Bent over laterals - 2x10

Friday Arms


Standing Supine Curls - Use a weight you can have perfect form with, keep your upper arm straight the whole time. slow up slow down 3x10
Standing Hammer Curles - 3x10
21's for 2-3 sets to finish off your bis


Close Grip Bench Press 3x10
Skull Crushers 3x10
Close Grip Cable pushdowns 3x10

Some people don't need to do direct arm work, I personally do.

Give that a shot and go from there. FIgure out what works for you.

This is the routine i'm using right now and was using before I let myself become a fat slob again.

I just hit 189 lbs on Friday, down from 224. Really low bodyfat and gonna start packing on the mass again. I'm pretty much shredded at 189 at 5'11 though. But feel too small so gonna eat clean and get back up to a fit jacked 200. So I'm in the same boat as you. Wanting to make them gains again.

sick kunt gains brah, zyzz gains. we're all gonna make it


RIP zyzz
I'm hitting it after work each day, but i was thinking to get cardio in there too. i could go 5 days, but i doubt i'm in 5 day a week shape right now. and once i get there i'll probably want to drop cardio all together.
raw broccoli and chicken, huh? okay.jpg
Chris_Crime said:
I'm hitting it after work each day, but i was thinking to get cardio in there too. i could go 5 days, but i doubt i'm in 5 day a week shape right now. and once i get there i'll probably want to drop cardio all together.
raw broccoli and chicken, huh? okay.jpg

i don't think there is any point in going extreme like raw broccoli and chicken, haha.

just eat as clean as you can and dont be hard on yourself when you pig out on junk occasionally, isn't gonna hurt anything.

i used to be 100% strict and literally eat shit like raw broccoli and chicken only for months at a time.. wouldn't drink etc. was 100% perfectionist.. and while I got great gains, I always ended up being burnt out after a year or so and then would just stop entirely and live an unhealthy lifestyle for a few months until i was like dafuq? and then would go back to 100% health mode again.. always one extreme or the other. just doesn't work.

now I'm not as hard on myself, honestly don't see a huge difference in gains from when i was 100%, enjoy it a LOT more , and don't have cravings to just quit and go into 100% body abuse party mode anymore.

the only rule I live by is EVERYTHING I put in my body has to be fuel, got that from Taxi Driver. I won't eat anything with pretty much zero food value like chips, chocolate bars, candy etc. And I have no problems abiding by that rule.
intoTheRain said:
I won't eat anything with pretty much zero food value like chips, chocolate bars, candy etc. And I have no problems abiding by that rule.
Living without Doritos - can you even call that living?
I agree with intoTheRain. I also think his provided example regime is really good. Nice work, man! :)

I completely agree about the diet too. You really don't have to eat super duper 100% healthy, e.g. chicken and raw broccoli etc. It really doesn't work. Well, okay it DOES work very well, but like intoTheRain said, you tend to "burn out" and then just... reverse everything you've done. I think having a diet like that would be better for you in the long run, but it's just so much harder. Just try to eat clean for the most part, and indulge in a bit of junk food every now and then - don't feel bad about it. It'll help you stay sane.

One thing Optimus-Crime... get some sleep. Try to aim for about eight hours of sleep every night, especially on days when you've trained and lifted.

Personally, I eat clean Monday to Friday. I eat a lot of protein (salmon, barramundi, tuna, steak, chicken, eggs, protein supplements), vegetables everyday etc but when it comes to the weekends I indulge in some junk food. I don't eat things like chips/crisps, chocolate or anything like that very often. My biggest vice is iced coffee, which is honesty like... the worst thing you can possibly drink (so full of carbohydrates, sugar with a bit of fat too). Regardless, the weekend is when I have my junk food and I just don't care what I put in me on Saturday or Sunday - and I'm still cutting weight and lifting more. I'm 6'3 and when I say "cutting weight" I have to be 99kg (218 pounds) maximum by early June for the Australian Judo Nationals. I'm currently 100.9kg (222 pounds), and where as one month ago, I was 104kg (229 pounds). Not bad for a month. :)

Training wise... I only go to the gym three times a week, then I'm at Judo three times a week on the off days. Sunday is my "rest" day but sometimes if I feel like it, I'll go for a run or do some cardio at home. My regime doesn't sound as intense as intoTheRain's, but at the gym I focus on power lifting. So Monday and Wednesday I'll do squats, dead lifts, bench press and then clean/jerk with a steel log - ... 2_Log6.jpg - this thing basically.

Friday I'll either do the same as Monday or Wednesday, or if I feel like it some strong man training (a lot of running around with heavy objects, kinda awkward and difficult lifting etc).
Oh and just to clarify, I like the 10 rep range because I think it's a decent mix between maxing muscle hypertrophy as well as decent for strength gains.

But lower reps + higher weight is better for building strength/powerlifting. Higher reps lower weight is better for muscle hypertrophy (making your muscles look perty/full/big). But I wouldn't advise using a weight you can rep more than 12 times.

So if you're going more for strength than looks, aim to work in the 4-7 rep range, if you want to look jacked, aim for the 8-12 rep range.

Some weeks I'll do low rep high weight, maybe once or twice a month. The rest I work in the 10-12 rep range.

And go to absolute failure on the last set of every exercise.

And I'm very much like Craig now.. I don't really have cheats during the week but I tend to allow myself to indulge a bit on the weekends. And honestly after I do I just feel like chit cause my body isn't used to it and can't wait to get back to eating clean.
madster111 said:
intoTheRain said:
I won't eat anything with pretty much zero food value like chips, chocolate bars, candy etc. And I have no problems abiding by that rule.
Living without Doritos - can you even call that living?

I was going to post something similar, but with turtles. Mmmm Turtles....

Good stuff, Craig and Rain. Best part about this shit is bragging to myself about the burn the next day, fuck yeah.

Thank you, Zyzz, you're a legend, brah
I'm confident every guy, alif not every then -almost- every guy on this forum would love to look lke Zyzz. Hell, I would too. Like intoTheRain said before, there's training for looks (getting big, jacked and ripped) then there's training for strength (power lifting). I opt for the latter for judo, it helps me a lot.

You can still end up looking pretty fit from power lifting believe it or not (although I am aware a lot of power lifters look fat because... well they are), but doing it intoTheRain's way will make you jacked as shit, brah.

As intoTheRain said regarding the indulgence of junk food every now and then (like on the weekend or something), that's exactly how I feel. My body is so used to eating clean throughout the week that when I have junk food, it's bloody awesome at the time when I'm eating/drinking it, but shortly afterwards I will just feel like complete shit, and my body is basically crying "OH MY GOD, GIVE ME BACK THE CLEAN FOOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN?"

Good stuff so far Optimus-Crime. You're gonna make it brah. :p

Green-Lantern, "Zyzz" was a body builder in Australia. He basically started off as a 60ish (130 pounds-ish) teenager, took up weight lifting since his brother did it and about four or five years later, he became a 100kg (220 pound) monster of pure muscle, as you see in the photos above. He's basically responsibe for the "aesthetic" movement in body building, in recent times I suppose. He was a body builder, model, personal trainer and a stripper apparently. Even got his own line of protein and supplements.

I don't want to spark a flame war, but Zyzz unfortunately died at twenty two or twenty three years old, I forget to be honest. He died from a heart attack while in Thailand. I'm not saying this was the case, but there's a lot of speculation that his death involved steroid abuse. The main reason that people claim steroids was involved is because Zyzz's older brother was arrested for the possession and selling of steroids. Zyzz though apparently had a heart condition which was genetic in his family.

Steroids or not, the main reason Zyzz was so popular and an inspiration is because he used to be this real skinny guy, got made fun of a lot by others, got fed up with it and then started smashing weights, completely transforming his physical body and completely turning his life around. He inspired a lot of people and he wanted his story to inspire people, that's why he said stuff like "We're all gonna make it, brah".

Steroids don't give you muscle. Regardless if Zyzz did the roids or not, you still have to work your arse off and have to eat ridiculously clean. It also takes a long time in general to get a physique and strength like his.
Zyzz juiced it isn't a secret. He never hid it. It likely did play a role in his death but he did have a genetic heart defect, I'm sure he wouldn't have lasted that long, steroids or not.

I have absolutely nothing against steroids, but I will never touch them because I have a shitty history of heart problems in my family, as well as my own history of high blood pressure. I wanna be jacked, but not at the cost of my health. At 28 health > aesthetics for me. Seeing all these guys get cancer and pass away, die from heart attacks etc. sub 30 on (where Zyzz originated, have posted there for a decade+) scares the chit out of me.

Zyzz had pretty much flawless aesthetics, genetics of peace. Couple that with an extremely outgoing personality and you have a famous E-Personality. I think I'm so bothered by his death because it hits so close to home... and I'm freaking 5 years older than when he passed away. Guy was in the absolute prime of his life and its just gone. So depressing. Can happen to any one of us on any day of the week.

And I have nothing against steroids because people think you jam a needle in your ass and suddenly are built like a Greek God over night. But it's not true at all. Anyone who knows anything about them knows the REASON they give you an advantage is you recover quicker on steroids. Allowing you to workout a lot harder, and in turn grow faster.

It still requires a ridiculous amount of hard work and dedication to be built like Zyzz, steroids or not. Not to mention an insane amount of research to even learn how to take steroids properly in the first place.

Repeated a lot of what Craig said I'm sure but just wanted to chime in :D
Green_Lantern said:
Yeah, there's no way that dude didn't take steroids.

his build/size is achievable naturally with great genetics. but not in that time span, or even remotely close to that time span. but like I said, Zyzz never hid it.

there was only one guy in their "crew" that they claimed was natural.
intoTheRain said:
It still requires a ridiculous amount of hard work and dedication to be built like Zyzz, steroids or not.

False. Genetics needs to be on your side as well. Its hard to reverse the effects of your gene pool if it is filled with feces. With that said, Anthony/Craig are bigger inspirations than Zyzz. If you're small and you're trying to get Zyzz you have it infinity easier than the dude who is big trying to get cut.

Master_Craig said:
Steroids don't give you muscle.
True. In the fact that you can't just do cycles and expect to get diced sitting on your ass, but false on the main premise. It damn well does make you stronger, and reduces your recovery time to nil - which is the basic idea. It does NOT make you a better athlete, but if your out for aesthetics only - its the path for you.

All in all, NOT worth it, b/c the fact is you do not have a personal trainer/nutrionist teaching you how to use it properly and the stuff you'll probably get will likely kill you.

Want to get big, slow down on the cardio and lift brah. Then i'll be mirin you like I'm mirin Craig
UrbanMasque said:
intoTheRain said:
It still requires a ridiculous amount of hard work and dedication to be built like Zyzz, steroids or not.

False. Genetics needs to be on your side as well. Its hard to reverse the effects of your gene pool if it is filled with feces. With that said, Anthony/Craig are bigger inspirations than Zyzz. If you're small and you're trying to get Zyzz you have it infinity easier than the dude who is big trying to get cut.

How is that false? Zyzz didn't work hard?

And you're basically saying you won't "mire" anyone unless they get fat first before they get fit? Riveting logic.

Be an ectomorph for a while and tell me it isn't hard to pack on lean muscle naturally.

The best part about all of this is you literally quoted something I said, and said it was false. Then quote something Craig said, which was EXACTLY the same sentence basically, except you cut it short, and said true.


"Steroids don't give you muscle. Regardless if Zyzz did the roids or not, you still have to work your arse off and have to eat ridiculously clean."

Urban says TRUE


"It still requires a ridiculous amount of hard work and dedication to be built like Zyzz, steroids or not"

Urban says FALSE


Arguing with a guy who says not to eat carbs before bed.

Nvm, not wasting my time.

Bro science forums are that way ----->

edit: oh, and steroids didn't make Lance Armstrong a better athlete I'm sure

and there is no reason to slow down on cardio if you're eating above maintenance.. I want to stop but every single sentence I read makes my blood boil and forces me to continue on.

edit: and sorry for the rage I just think its pretty pathetic to claim anyone who wasn't big before they decided to get fit didn't have to work hard. considering i was one of those people who weighed about 120 lbs when i was 18 and had to eat 6000+calories a day and lift my ass off to slowly put on muscle. that day when the scale said 200 and i was still quite lean will always be a proud moment for me, despite what the father of bro science tells me.

but what do i know i didn't have to work hard.

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