Inner Conflict

Has anyone even thought about the fact that the PS3 has extra costs too? It doesn't even come with all the cables!
But it doesn't cost 300$ for a cable. IT costs like 50. Plus, most people don't even have an HDTV so a lot of people won't be needing the cables.
Holy shit $50 for a cable? Damn thats expensive. Right now I'm extremly happy with my 360. I love it more than I love my own children, had I any. The PS3, on the other hand just didn't really have anything I was interested in, and still doesn't. Blu-Ray, sixaxis, 600 dollar price tag. Meh, no thanks.

And for the record I think both Home and Little Big World look boring and shitty. But maybe that's just me.

Anyway, to threadstarter, who cares what company makes what system, just buy the platform that has better games, and take a look at the release lists to see which console will be having better games.

Oh and jivescooter, that really sucks for you. I keep hearing all these problems that people are having wih their 360's, and I havent had a single problem, plus I've only had to pay for the initial price and then 20 for the three month XBL thing, and I'm perfectly happy. Maybe I have a God 360 or something.
Kool_Aide_Man said:
Holy **** $50 for a cable? Damn thats expensive. Right now I'm extremly happy with my 360. I love it more than I love my own children, had I any. The PS3, on the other hand just didn't really have anything I was interested in, and still doesn't. Blu-Ray, sixaxis, 600 dollar price tag. Meh, no thanks.

And for the record I think both Home and Little Big World look boring and shitty. But maybe that's just me.
First, that is for one type of cable. You can get others for less.
Second, for some reason I see blue ray going farther than the HD-DVD you can get with a 360. I think the reason that betamax lost to vcr was the same as why records lost to 8-tracks or cassette, because it is less portable.
Third, Sixaxis kicks major ass. Mostly because you can use it well with any game without it dominating controls, such as with a wii.
Lastly, Home and Little Big World will be so awesome. You're just upset that Microsoft didn't innovate this.
Well, I am sick of arguing for now.

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